查文庫>動物類英語作文> 有趣的動物英語作文及翻譯



  Live in the dense forest, many small animals. Every spring they hold a grand acrobatics competition. This year's competition is very busy, small animals came to the venue early and took out his magic sauce.

  First of all, beautiful peacock dances: he head high head, chest, belly on tail slowly, gently shake the feathers; His head from time to time is to the east, west, the fan tail like a gorgeous colorful dress, and tightly attracted the audience's eyes.

  Then, the dog show Riding on the swing. See his jump, jump to the swing, both hands hold the rope. He first gently swinging back and forth a few, and then make sufficient strength, flaring, his superb action see person dazzled.

  The most wonderful for its black bear on wood pellets. Heavy black bear carefully standing on wood pellets above board, feet or so back and forth to keep balance. Wood ball turning around, but he firmly when local, not nervous. You see, his right hand on the waist, left hand waving to the crowd. His wonderful performance won applause...

  The annual acrobatics competition ended, but the animals good show, for a long, long time also by forest residents are talking about.


  首先,漂亮的孔雀表演舞蹈:他昂著頭、挺著胸,慢慢地展開尾巴,輕輕抖動著羽毛;他的'頭時而擺向東、時而搖向西,那條扇子似的尾巴像一件絢麗的七彩衣,緊緊 吸引著觀眾的眼神。

  接著,小狗表演 盪鞦韆。只見他縱身一躍,跳到鞦韆上,雙手緊緊抓住繩子。他先是輕輕地蕩了幾個來回,然後就使足勁,直衝雲宵,他高超的動作看得人眼花亂。

