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  article/ essay/ composition

  Ⅰ. article 文章、論文通常指記敘文或論文。如:

  ① The article explains how the machine works. 這篇文章說明了這部機器怎樣開動的道理。

  ② There is an article on education in the paper. 報紙上有一篇論教育的文章。

  Ⅱ. essay 文章、論文通常指文學上散文、隨筆、雜文等;也指學術性論文。如:

  ① We shall read Lu Xuns essays . 我們將讀魯迅的雜文。

  ② Can you write an essay in English? 你能用英文寫一篇論文嗎?

  Ⅲ. composition 寫作、。 尤指學習語文者為練習寫作而做的作文。如:

  ① He is learning composition. 他在學習寫作。

  ② The students were required to write a composition in English. 要學生寫一篇英語作文。

  as soon as/ as early as/ as quickly as

  Ⅰ. 這三個詞都有儘快、儘早之意。

  Ⅱ. as soon as 側重於極短時間內。還表示一就之意,引導狀語從句。如:

  ① Ill return it as soon as I can.我將盡快地把它還給你。

  Ⅲ. as early as 側重於一天中的'早晨或在限定的時間內再早點,以便能達到預期的目的。如:

  ① You should arrive there as early as you can. 你應儘早到達那裡。