查文庫>自我評價> 英文版自我評價(精選15篇)




  英文版自我評價 篇1

  The work of the positive and serious attitude, strong sense of responsibility, is sincere, careful, optimistic, athletic, a good team player, able to quickly adapt to the work environment, and to continue to learn in practical work and constantly improve themselves and do their own work . I am a positive, optimistic, pragmatic, continuous learning, struggling to forge ahead of the people. Do not want to fall behind, I do not want to fall behind; behind, losing all chance of success. Learning is also essential, no knowledge is difficult to succeed; at the same time, to fight for their practice more opportunities to succeed!

  英文版自我評價 篇2

  I am fine style, others with sincerity, good personal relations, doing things calm and steady, reasonable overall arrangement can live in the transaction.

  Have strong logical way of thinking about things serious and responsible, able to endure hardship involved, have a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit; confident, optimistic, with a certain sense of innovation.

  英文版自我評價 篇3

  Prudent man, generous, take seriously the work, confident, cheerful, sincere, excellent team spirit, strong sense of responsibility, good communication and coordination skills. In the sense of responsibility, dedication, affinity, decision-making, planning, negotiation ability, with good professionalism and professional ethics, has a strong appeal and cohesion.

  英文版自我評價 篇4

  Behaved, modest, hard-working, good overall quality, with innovative thinking, team player and can work under pressure, strong self-learning ability, curious.

  英文版自我評價 篇5

  I am cheerful, and his careful, meticulous work, hard working, down to earth work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, but also has a strong ability to work independently, active thinking.

  Able to skillfully use Windows Office Word, Excel, XXX and other applications, according to the needs of XXX, the completion of the work surface XXXX, XXXX have a good sense of communication skills and strong negotiation skills;

  Professional advice and product and supplier information in XXXX, the proposed feasibility recommendations, follow XXXX solve the problem; have team spirit, a sense of responsibility, good character, correct thinking; have a certain file management capabilities.

  英文版自我評價 篇6

  Serious and responsible work, do not shirk responsibility; ability to work under pressure; can work independently;

  A team player, with colleagues, other departments actively cooperate with the companys interests first;

  Obedience and good, maintain good communication with superiors, respect for superiors arrangements;

  Honest, upright; and easy to learn, and continuously improve the ability to work;

  I believe your choice I make you more successful;

  英文版自我評價 篇7

  I am responsible for the work, there is a positive professionalism, able to communicate with the leadership and coordination, and his affinity sincere harmoniously and be able to communicate with employees to improve the quality of the best employees, the factory can pay a personal price for the interests of the company create higher performance, hope your company can give me a chance to develop, but this time you regret your choice.

  英文版自我評價 篇8

  It is lively and cheerful, rapport with people, have strong communication skills. During the school as a squad leader post, many plan to implement several large-scale activities, have strong organizational skills and coordination, and has a good physique. In a number of social practice, to draw attention to the social experience, serious and responsible work.

  英文版自我評價 篇9

  I am a persistent pursuit of the ideal with people who believe that even a blade of grass, as long as efforts to grow and to be green all over the horizon; I like to make friends, happy to work with people, team spirit; human athletic, work down to earth, serious and responsible, hope can have the opportunity to become your company's one, let me grow with the business.

  英文版自我評價 篇10

  Conscientious, responsible, studious, warm, steady work seriously, ambitious. Proficiency in common office software word, excel.

  Easygoing and generous, cheerful, friendly, honest and humble. Hard-working, serious and responsible, hard working, conscientious, patient.

  It has an affinity and approachable. Strong communication skills, good self-expression, eloquent. Nuanced observe things, the ability to detect and correct deficiencies of self.

  Basic knowledge of solid, good leadership and management.

  英文版自我評價 篇11

  Graduates College, has a strong self-motivated, good working interest concentrated, with great plasticity and working potential. After four years of professional learning English SOUTH mastered solid foundation of knowledge, language proficiency has been improved greatly, strong communication skills. School education management system of strict obedience to superior shaped my decision-making and management system awareness. More outgoing personality, good at uniting comrades, can better handle interpersonal relationships, strong collaboration capabilities.

  英文版自我評價 篇12

  Honest, unity and colleagues, diligent work, good communication skills, rigorous style, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, strong entrepreneurial spirit and a stable psychological quality, the courage to meet new challenges!

  I live in others with sincerity, enthusiasm, positive and optimistic, motivated, lively and cheerful, dedicated; work teamwork spirit, a strong sense of responsibility and good professional ethics, receptive to new things, strong adaptability and learning ability . Responsibility is my attitude to work, optimism is my idea of life.

  英文版自我評價 篇13

  The work of the positive and serious attitude, strong sense of responsibility, is sincere, careful, optimistic, athletic, a good team player, able to quickly adapt to the work environment, and to continue to learn in practical work and constantly improve themselves and do their own work . I am a positive, optimistic, pragmatic, continuous learning, struggling to forge ahead of the people. Do not want to fall behind, I do not want to fall behind; behind, losing all chance of success. Learning is also essential, no knowledge is difficult to succeed; at the same time, to fight for their practice more opportunities to succeed!

  英文版自我評價 篇14

  I am enthusiastic and sincere, optimistic, good moral character and professionalism, and have good teamwork and professionalism. I can skillfully operate office, excel and other office software and office services, good with people, have good communication and organizational skills. Carefully, there is the spirit of unity and cooperation, "integrity, perseverance, tolerance" personal qualities conduct. Threw himself into, careful and responsible work attitude, love of learning, the courage to explore, like challenging work. Serious and responsible, honest and prudent, logical, subject to the company to arrange. Will be very hard to go to fulfill their duties at work, they will be selected to perform well.

  英文版自我評價 篇15

  I am lively, cheerful, treat people in good faith. Do things carefully, can be hard-working, proactive, intentions do everything. From participating in the work of the past few years, has been diligent and pragmatic, with the treatment of home to the general enthusiasm of their work, have a good team spirit, by the company's superiors and colleagues welcome.

  Honest, mature, good communication skills, able to coordinate relationships.Work actively, careful, logical thinking ability, innovative consciousness, can be hard-working, strong sense of responsibility, can work under pressure.