查文庫>句子> fly使用過去式和過去分詞的句子練習題





  1. We _flew_ (fly) from London to Beijing. 我們從倫敦飛抵北京。

  2. The airliner _flew_ (fly) above the clouds. 大型客機在雲層上面飛行。

  3. For long hours he _flew_ (fly), listening only to the sound of his engine. 在經過長時間的飛行,他只能聽到發動機的聲音。

  4. After being questioned by police, she _flew_ (fly) back to England alone. 在接受了警方的詢問後,現在她獨自一個人飛回了英國。

  5. And then we _flew_ (fly) directly from Paris, back home. 然後我們就從巴黎直接坐飛機回家了。



  1. The officers debriefed the pilot after he had _flown_ (fly) back from the warfront. 飛行員從戰爭前線飛回之後,軍官們聽取了他執行任務的情況彙報。

  2. He and Stephanie had left Copenhagen around four AM and _flown_ (fly) to Paris, where they caught the first Air France shuttle of the day south for Toulouse. 他和絲苔妮在上午四點左右離開哥本哈根到巴黎,在那裡他們趕上了當天第一班法國航空南飛圖盧茲。

  3. Have you _flown_ (fly) all the way through from Australia without breaking your journey? 你是從澳大利亞一路飛過來,中途連歇都沒歇嗎?

  4. Somebody should phone the White House, and ask if Emanuel could be _flown_ (fly) to Frankfurt for a few weeks. 現在,應該有人打個電話到白宮去問問伊曼紐爾,看他能不能飛到法蘭克福去幾個禮拜。