查文庫>試題> There be 與have, has的區別複習及練習題

There be 與have, has的區別複習及練習題

There be 與have, has的區別複習及練習題

  小升初英語There be 與have, has的區別複習及練習題

  1、There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)

  2、在there be 句型中,主語是單數,be 動詞用is ; 主語是複數,be 動詞用are ; 如有幾件物品,be 動詞根據最靠近be 動


  3、there be 句型的否定句在be 動詞後加nt , 一般疑問句把be 動詞調到句首。

  4、there be句型與have(has) 的區別:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人擁有某物。

  5、se 和an 在there be 句型中的運用:se 用於肯定句, an 用於否定句或疑問句。

  6、and 和r 在there be句型中的運用:and 用於肯定句, r 用於否定句或疑問句。


  Hw an + 名詞複數 + are there + 介詞短語?

  Hw uch + 不可數名詞 + is there + 介詞短語?


  What’s + 介詞短語?


  Fill in the blan with “have,has”r “there is , there are”

  1. I________a gd father and a gd ther.

  2. ____________a telescpe n the des.

  3. He_________a tape-recrder.

  4. _____________a basetball in the plagrund.

  5. She__________se dresses.

  6. The___________a nice garden.

  7. What d u___________?

  8. ______________a reading-r in the building?

  9. What des Mie___________?

  10. ______________an bs in the bcase?

  11. M father_________a str-b.

  12. _______________a str-b n the table.

  13. _______________an flwers in the vase?

  14. Hw an students____________in the classr?

  15. M parents___________se nice pictures.

  16. _____________se aps n the wall.

  17. ______________a ap f the wrld n the wall.

  18. David__________a telescpe.

  19. David’s friends___________se tents.

  20. ______________an children n the hill.


  1、There a lt f sweets in the bx.

  2、There se il in the glass.

  3、There se peple under the the big tree.

  4、There a picture and a ap n the wall.

  5、There a bx f rubbers near the bs.

  6、There lts f flwers in ur garden last ear.

  7、There a tin f chicen behind the fridge esterda.

  8、There fur cups f cffee n the table.

  Fill in the blan with “ have, has ”

  1. I_________ a nice puppet.

  2. He_________a gd friend.

  3. The__________ se ass.

  4. We___________se flwers.

  5. She___________ a duc.

  6. M father____________ a new bie.

  7. Her ther___________a vase.

  8. Our teacher_________ an English b.

  9. Our teachers___________a basetball.

  10. Their parents___________se blanets

  11. Nanc_________an sirts.

  12. David__________se acets.

  13. M friends__________a ftball.

  14. What d u__________?

  15. What des Mie__________?

  16. What d ur friends___________?

  17. What des Helen___________?

  18. His brther________a basetball.

  19. Her sister_________a nice dll.

  20. Miss Li__________an English b.