2月12日 陰天
Cloudy February 12
今天吃過早餐,小舅舅開著車和我們一起去海濱公園玩。來到海濱公園遊樂場,這裡人山人海。我們買了票,排了好一會隊才輪到我們,哥哥和我一起玩了《飛翔滑車》和《豪華飛椅》,這兩個遊戲緊張又刺激。我們玩的真開心! After breakfast today, my uncle drove with us to the seaside park. Come to the seashore park amusement park. It's full of people. We bought tickets and waited for a long time before it was our turn. My brother and I played "flying tackle" and "luxury flying chair", both of which were tense and exciting. We had a good time!