快樂的英語作文 篇1
Merry Christmas
It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers。
At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes。
When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice。 "Thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "Oh, I almost forgot。。。"——"Anything else, madam?" said the girl, "Yes," began the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose。 I wonder if you could help me。" "Certainly, madam", was the girl's reply。 The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age。 She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too。
The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves。
At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said, "These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient。 I do hope you have a merry Christmas !"
快樂的英語作文 篇2
“This is my father。”女兒抗議似的大聲說。“你這不是說的很好嗎?我不跟你急,你就不好好說!”先生無奈地說。“哈哈!小淘氣!”女兒開始志得意滿地自我“表揚”。如此較量了幾個回合,先生“悲壯”地說:“這究竟是誰教誰英語呢?她倒是快樂了,我可是被她整慘了!”我同情地安慰先生,“老師說她最近表現得不錯,已經能夠不亂動東西了,就是還有點‘走神’。我們慢慢來吧,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的!”“是啊,冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?”小女兒搖頭晃腦地在一旁補充。
快樂的英語作文 篇3
快樂的英語作文 篇4
快樂的英語作文 篇5
今天學正學堂的蘇丹(Su Dan)老師來我們學校給我們上了一節快樂的英語課。
到了上英語課的時間,顏老師和陳老師卻坐在教室的後面,沒有走到講臺上去給我們上課,正奇怪的時候,我們看到一個人大搖大擺的從教室門口走了進來,我一看,這人的眼睛是藍色的,真是奇怪,正在我發愣的時候這個走到了講臺上,用英語跟我們打了個招呼,啊!這裡我才回過神來,然來他是我們今天的外國英語老師。老師先自我介紹了一下,他說:“我叫Su Dan,今天是來給你們上英語課的(英語)。”我們所有同學都興高彩烈的大聲說:“歡迎、歡迎!”但是發現老師的表情並不開心,這是怎麼回事呢?後來我們才恍然大悟,原來這是英語課,要講英語的.,於是我們馬上說:“Hello,Hello,Hello。”老師的表情立刻由陰轉晴了,就這樣開始了我們有趣的英語課。
快樂的英語作文 篇6
How To Be A Happy Kid
Good morning, dear judges!
My name is Joyce. Today I will give a speech about How To Be A Happy Kid.
Everyone deserves to have a happy childhood. We all know, life isn’t
easy all the time, even for children.
One time I didn’t do well on a math test. It was the first time for me
to get such a low mark. I felt miserable about it. When I got home, without
saying a single word to my parents, I rushed into my own room. I sat down
in front of my piano. Unconsciously, music came out from my fingers. I was
lost in the beauty of the music. My heart flew with the song in the air. The
piano music was just like a wise old man consoling me with soft words. After
playing the music, I felt very calm and happy.
We shouldn’t lack for joy in life. The key is to find ways
to be happy. For me, playing the piano helps me 初中物理 find the road back to
happiness. For other children, they might find it other ways, like by
singing, dancing, playing soccer or helping people. But for all of
us, it should come from knowing our parents love us.
I am a child. Children shouldn’t worry about anything. I wish every
kid is a happy kid.
Thank you for listening!
快樂的英語作文 篇7
When the summer holiday came, my cousin and I went to Huamei International School and joined the English and Art Camp.
The camp lasted for three weeks. We had many interesting activities. I enjoyed them so much, and I was always happy.
I made more new friends there too. I like studying and playing with them very much and I think they were very friendly.
Our classroom, bedroom and canteen were all very comfortable. They are not only bright, but also tidy and clean. The food in the canteen was also very delicious and healthy. I enjoyed the school food a lot. The teachers loved us very much and they took good care of us.
I like the life in Huamei International School.
快樂的英語作文 篇8
第一天去上課,我跟著媽媽忐忑不安地推開教室門,喲,已經有7個“小豆丁”端端正正地坐在那兒了,看樣子是、三、四年級的,7、8歲的小孩居多,唯有一個和我差不多大,升五年級的。我傻了眼,呆呆地站在那。媽媽推了我一把,讓我坐在第一個桌子旁,等著老師來。沒過幾分鐘,一個二十幾歲模樣的大學生走了進來,她披著一頭微卷的金髮,長著一張漂亮的鵝蛋臉,水靈靈的眼睛讓人看得入了迷,紅紅的櫻桃小嘴分外惹人眼紅。大家發出了一聲“哇”,老師笑了笑,用清脆的聲音說:“同學們好,我是教你們音標的老師,你們可以叫我‘Sherry’老師。現在,我來為你們起英文名。”她走到我身邊,問道:“你叫什麼名字?有英文名嗎?”“我叫胡磊,沒英文名。”我 望著她,輕輕地說。“那就叫你‘Mandy’吧!”老師笑眯眯地說。“好!”我異常高興。老師一圈走下來,大家都有了好聽的名字:Jiji、John、Sandy、Jack……教室裡是一片歡呼聲,老師拍了拍手,開始教我們音標,她告訴我們音標有48個,分為母音和子音,母音又分為單母音和雙母音,子音則分為清子音和濁子音。她給我們講了5個母音字母相對應的母音音標,並告訴我們這幾個音標的口型。大家聽得仔仔細細地,連最小的孩子也不曾開小差。說完這些,老師又帶我們玩起了“拍氣球讀音標”、“魔法手指”、“憋氣”。同學們玩得不亦樂乎,個個臉上露出了燦爛的笑容……
快樂的英語作文 篇9
With the wonderful melody for Alice, our happy middle school activity began.
First of all, we do martial arts first. Only heard the loudspeaker loud voice: the students of martial arts The red sun rises in sky. now. With this powerful rhythm, the students are conscientiously punching and kicking, and they are vigorous and energetic.
After doing martial arts, we went to a plastic runway, lined up and started our big class games. Our big class game is fun! Some classes are playing the relay, some are playing simultaneously walk, some playing kangaroo jump, and in class do push ups and roll forward...... And our class was playing games of two and three feet, and I was honored to be a teammate with my good friends. Let's make a knot with a red scarf, and then jump. When we started walking, there was no tacit agreement between the two people. I was so slow, I was slow, and I had a bad fall. When it was our turn to walk the second time, we were better than the last time, but no one was so fast, so good. So, we two decided to look for the trick. They are used; they have been shouting about, about, like this can not be wrong to go to the foot. We used this way, try not to three times, can Practice makes perfect., eighty. At this point, our collective dance began, and the students were hopping very much, as if a group of butterflies were dancing and dancing.
The big break activities so happy over, the students had to return to the classroom, unable to part, waiting for the next big break activities coming. I'm sure the next big room will be more exciting.
快樂的英語作文 篇10
In their daily lives, we are concerned about too much, we are too concerned about gains and losses, our emotional ups and downs, we are not happy. At a time when angry, if we can think of: "I am not angry but in order to work." "I am angry and not to teach." "I am not angry but to make friends."
Remember a word: angry is to punish their own fault of others. Not worth it. Friends: one is willing to keep you forever young and happy state of mind.