查文庫>英語句子> 關於國際交流營英語演講稿素材句子



  1.welcome to the international culture camp being held in this beautiful  location of the sun moon lake.歡迎參加在日月潭這麼美的地方舉行的世界文化營。

  2.i want to welcome you all here today and give a few words of advice to  you.歡迎大家2015-08-04 來到這裡,我想給大家幾點建議。

  3.please keep your cabins clean at all time.請隨時把小屋子保持乾淨。

  4.it is advisable not to miss any meals, as this country air will stimulate  you appetites.這兒的鄉間空氣會促進食慾,建議你們不要錯過任何一餐。

  5.1.i want to take a few moments to welcome the 10 young americans who have  come all the way from the states to help out with this camp  here.我想花一點點時間來對遠從美國來的十位年輕人表示歡迎,他們來為我們這個營提供協助。

  6.it is my privilege, on behalf the camp leaders, to bid our foreign guests  a hearty welcome.我很榮幸代表營區領導人對我們的外賓表示衷心的'歡迎之意。

  7.1.allow me to conclude by bidding all the foreign delegates a hearty  welcome once more, and by wishing all of you the best of  luck.最後我再一次對國外代表表示由衷的歡迎,並祝大家萬事如意。

  8.i hope you have a fine time in taiwan, and i hope you make many new  friends.我希望你們在臺灣玩得愉快,並交到很多新朋友。

  9.it is my job to introduce the foreign guests who will be spending the  week with us here.我的事是介紹與我們在此共度這個星期的外賓。


  10.thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp.感謝大家來參加我們這個營。

  11.i have been chosen by the camp staff and the chinese campers to say a  few words of thanks to you for your participation here in the last three  days.我被營幹部和中國夥伴推選出來講幾句話,感謝大家這三天來的參與。

  12. thank you once again for coming here.再一次謝謝你們光臨本地。

  13.how can words express our gratitude!什麼話也無法表達我們的感謝!

  14.please accept this small gift, a plaque made by us and signed by all of  the campers, as a token of our  friendship.請接受我們這份小禮物,以象徵我們的友誼,這是我們做的牌子,上面有我們營上夥伴每個人的簽名。

  15.good-bye is a sad thing to say, but i must, so goodbye and i hope i’ll  see you again.說再見是件感傷的事,但我又不得不說,所以再見了,我希望能再見到大家。

  16.on behalf of the sponsors, i wish to apologize for any inconveniences  that any of the participants, and especially the foreign guests, may have had to  suffer in connection with hotel accommodations, meals, or  transportation.對於所有參加者,尤其是外國客人,由於旅館的膳宿裝置、餐點、或交通所造成的諸多不便,本人謹代表主辦者表示歉意。

  1.i want to welcome you all here for the annual meeting of the asian  scientists conference.歡迎大家到這兒參加亞洲科學家會議年會。

  2.i know you are all busy, so i appreciate your making time in your  schedule to attend this meeting today.我知道你們都很忙,所以我很感謝你們從時刻表中騰出時間參加2015-08-04  這個會議。

  3.at first, mr. smith will speak about the sales projections for the coming  year and the problems that some of us have had in the past  year.首先,史密斯先生談一談來年的銷售計畫,以及過去一年我們有些人遭遇的問題。

  4.after mr. smith’s remarks, the meeting will be opened for comments and  discussion from the rest of you.史密斯生講完話後,會議就要開始給所有其它的人來提供意見,來討論。

  5.now, shall we begin?現在我們開始好嗎?

  6.i’m very happy that we could all get together today to have this meeting,  because i feel it is a subject that deserves our attention.我很高興2015-08-04  我們能夠都來開這個會,因為我覺得這是個值得我們關注的題目

  7.i will happily admit that i am very nervous.我很高興承認我很緊張。

  8.thank you for your kind attention. 謝謝你們的聽講。

  9.i’d like to give a few of my reasons. 我想提出我的一些理由。

  10.i must remind mr. smith that a is b.我必須提醒史密斯先生a就是b。

  11.i’m sorry to say that i oppose mr. smith’s opinions  completely.很抱歉,我全反對史密斯先生的意見。

  12.thank you for this chance to address this committee meeting planning the  next year’s courses for our school.謝謝你們給我這個機會向委員會會議演講,本會議是計畫本校明年的課程。

  13.after the meeting, we will all adjourn to the rose room of this hotel  for a buffet dinner.開完會後,我們將休會,到本飯店玫瑰廳的自助餐廳用晚餐。

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