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我的家鄉英語作文 篇1

  My hometown is Wuhan, Wuhan, a beautiful scenery, a long history, snacks delicious.

  The scenery is beautiful in Wuhan. The famous sights include Yellow Crane Tower, guqin terrace and Guiyuan Buddhist Temple. I will talk about the yellow crane building I! Yellow Crane Tower is located in the Yangtze River, standing on top of the people can see the Yangtze River, and many can express emotion, can see the scenery! Forty-nine meters height to see the spectacular Yangtze River surging, you want to go to the Yellow Crane Tower?! remember the Yangtze River from west to East, rolling. Other species like raging like wild waves tumbling like yo!

  Wuhan has a long history. Let's talk about the Guqin platform. The Guqin platform is related to a story. It is called the hometown of bosom friend. In the legend of Chu Ya master Qin Yi, know who the two become a friend, Zhong Ziqi died, Ya Qin fault. Then listen to the Zhong Ziqi place into Guqin taiwan.

  Wuhan snacks are good, hot and dry noodles, duck neck, rosa. I love the hot dry noodles, hot and dry noodles taste unique, is cooked noodles after half an hour with sesame, put some seasoning. Put sesame oil, chili can become spicy; put spicy radish, seaweed is hot and sour flavor; put onions, flower oil, of course, become onion flavor; put cumin powder, green onion will become cumin flavor. When you feel hot and dry noodles warm brown, you will be because of hometown Wuhan special snack, hot and dry noodles I feel warm.

  In addition to these, there are many scenic spots in Wuhan, many legends, many snacks, but these points already allow me to say a word: "I love my hometown."".

我的家鄉英語作文 篇2

  Wanroll is the place where the famous historian of the western jin dynasty, Chen shou, the author of The Three Kingdoms, studied and studied in the age of youth. Located in the xishan scenic area of nanchong city. It was built in the year of jianxing of The Three Kingdoms (222-237). According to ancient books: there are mountains in the west, and there are thousands of outstanding. It is built on the rocks and is a three - eaves type of wooden stone structure, flying eaves, magnificent. In the tang dynasty, the temple was built in front of the building. Surrounded by lush green and green bamboo, it is a beautiful landscape painting. It was destroyed in the 1960s because of the disrepair. Existing Wan Juanlou in 1990 built by the government spent 4 million yuan to recover heavy, it is composed of Chen shou, Chen shou memorial hall, library, reading floor relies on the mountain and stand, imposing manner, colorful, building area of 2400 square meters. Zhao park, vice chairman of the Chinese calligrapher's association and President of the buddhist association of China, wrote a 4.7-meter-long, 1.8-meter-tall gold plaque with a gold inscription. Standing in the center of the wan rolling courtyard, the bronze statue of Chen shou, who is 5 meters high and weighs 1 ton, is lifelike, with a bamboo tube in his hands and a beautiful spirit. Memorial hall in the display of the reflection and a large number of text, graphics, tables, photographs, physical data, detailed introduces the Chen shou rough experience, historical books and their influence on later generations. The six painted paintings of The Three Kingdoms are The Three Kingdoms of The Three Kingdoms, which is one of the best in China. North-south corridor hin in the romance of The Three Kingdoms story line of content of rubbings of han dynasty carved murals, and various calligraphy masters for Wan Juanlou creation of painting and calligraphy couplet, to tourists praise, like The Three Kingdoms. Chen shou Wan Juanlou display is very rich in content, and artistic, academic, historical, and sex is an organic whole, to study and carry forward The Three Kingdoms culture, promote The Three Kingdoms culture and world culture communication, a positive role in promoting.

我的家鄉英語作文 篇3

  In Ya'an, around every kind of building, came to the notorious Qingyijiang River park. Every rainy day, the Tsing Yi River Park is covered with a thin layer of fog, all kinds of flowers are hazy. When the sun came out, the Tsing Yi River looked like a beautiful coat, and the trees and flowers looked greener in the sunlight.

  Having seen the Tsing Yi River, I came to the foot of the blue nose mountain. Looked up, a variety of lush trees in the bungalow roof. It was the residence of the peasants' uncles, and beside them their industrious reclaimed land. The land is very neat, you see, make sure you put the "Tian" word firmly.

  On the green nose mountain, there is a pond in front of you. The pond is as smooth as a mirror. It looks like Jasper. There are many tadpoles in the pond. The small fish swim happily in the water. From time to time out from the mountains bursts of fragrance, make you feel tired of the disappeared Not the least trace was found. continue to climb. After a while, it appeared in front of you. You walked over and looked down. Most of the scenery in Ya'an was collected in the fundus, and the fragrance of flowers and plants was everywhere, which made people feel refreshed.

  Down from the blue nose hill, the new "Three House" will welcome you with open arms. The fountain popsicle like lights, be the most changeful, when the water column cross each other, the mist is like a dragon, around the water jump fun dance. In the middle is a recording machine, with passionate, popular songs on it, and the body swings back.

  Ya'an also has many beautiful scenery, said also cannot say, also waits for you to enjoy carefully.

我的家鄉英語作文 篇4

  My hometown Tianjin is a beautiful cityIts high-rise buildings and a bustling main streetMy favorite has to be the beauty of the haihe RiverBecause my grandma lived is near the haihe RiverI like lying on the balcony of her home in haihe River.Haihe river scenery is attractiveNightChinese Lantern and goodlike a starlike a jewelPeople are in haihe River side of the busy day for a walkI love the beauty of haihe Riverlove my beautiful hometown——more of Tianjin.

我的家鄉英語作文 篇5

  My hometown is in the north south, South North "picturesque scenery of Xinyang. The majesty of the north, the value of the South's small and exquisite, gave birth to a unique Xinyang scenery. The Jigong Mountain is a dazzling pearl in the beautiful scenery.

  Jigong Mountain is one of the four major summer resort in China, "in June, which is famous for his is" Liangshan, a mountain, yangshan". Magic beautiful scenery is a unique gift of nature. The main peak at the mount is crowing, looking at the mountains under different style villa, guarding the motherland.

  The strange water of Jigong Mountain, the world never alone. Because of its unique geographical position, there are many kinds of trees and wild animals can be seen everywhere. Listen to the brook, water gurgling, trees at Qingtian, serpentine rocks, flowers branches fluttering, flowers are blooming in the mountains, like the chicken, if fairyland. Many scenic spots in Jigong Mountain, oh, there are many places yo fun, where you can see. The big deep groove is more famous. Is the so-called "loud ditch", shouted sound low and thick, a few miles away can be heard, the reason is the water from the large gap in the valley of gush out, hit the rocks, thunder roar, out of emboldened. Ditch in the trees is on the cross Ke shield, Zhetianbiri, enter the eyeful is thick green, full ears are splashing. Not only is there a waterfall in the ditch, but it is more a small waterfall. The mountain spring jumped through the trees, over the rocks, into the pond, and a silver waterfall hung over the mountain. Study of the water crystal clear, sweet and delicious, fine Maojian tea is used to live in a water pool. To the big deep groove, can enjoy the extraordinary as if done by the spirits of nature.

  A unique landscape of mountain building is the mountain chicken. Building the number and variety of the building, the clever, style simple, unique flavor, is a must. Most of these houses is used for the summer. The villa is decorated with national flags, some of which are really beautiful, but these houses are now being turned into museums.

  As everyone knows, this beautiful place was in the flames of war battlefield.

  Jigong Mountain, after a hundred years of vicissitudes, is still the same style. Recently, the famous Sydney Opera House, once a master of design, came to Jigong Mountain and will rebuild the famous mountain. The natural elements and man-made elements will make Jigong Mountain go to China and go to the world.








我的家鄉英語作文 篇6

  In April 28th, the twelfth session of the Chinese Xinyang Tea Festival, the streets decorated, flowers tight clusters, everywhere permeated with a festive atmosphere.

  Is located in the Dabie Mountain Area of Xinyang, beautiful mountains, beautiful scenery, a summer resort - Jigong Mountain, the famous temple of Lingshan temple and the artificial water reservoir and lake; its rich chestnut, kiwi fruit, especially the specialty of Xinyang Maojian tea, is a natural green drinks, rich in organic matter and amino acids, known as one of the ten major Chinese Chinese and foreign well-known tea. If you visit to Xinyang, every household will provide you a cup of green tea in Xinyang, it smells fragrant, tastes very smooth, my throat is sweet, people lead a person to endless aftertastes.

  During the Tea Festival, many large-scale events were held, including the exchange of agricultural products, paintings and calligraphy exhibitions and tea exhibitions. What impressed me most is the festival night. Resplendent with variegated coloration lighting add, distant Hongta, purple glass window, yellow floor, dizzying, the old familiar streets have become somewhat strange. For all kinds of lamps, the lion Hydrangea light, Magnolia lights, there are several sets of tea and the extension of disk like cup lamp, a lamp arranged, like standing in the west of the bridge, The sky was covered with stars.; rainbow light, Rainbow Bridge on the National Road 107 riotous with colour like a Phoenix, as one falls, another rises, leap into the air, a bow look, like a dragon playing in the water, looks like a dream, confuse the immeasurably vast difference.

  Tea Festival is the slogan of "tea for the media to make friends". Believe that more and more friends, because love Xinyang Maojian tea, and as I deeply love Xinyang.






我的家鄉英語作文 篇7

  In this little snow and gradually warmer season, the Spring Festival unknowingly buried the plain days, head-on attack. Looking at the wall of the new calendar, counting the last Spring Festival of the century approaching, I can not help but sigh, years of haste, the passage of the year is a calm and busy year.

  In recent years standing, childhood had more or less good impression with qudan, is no longer a fireworks Boiled dumplings gift money era, no longing for another year, see more than 10%, the Spring Festival is the most happy time, rather than let people suddenly realized for age aging, responsibility for major mark.

  General congratulations, say a few words of old auspicious words, write a little noisy spring nostalgic articles, will have the mood. As a presenter, talk about this event, with the past and present, think about the future, but to win the applause to join a compliment. I don't say self deception words, we may expect too much, but the Spring Festival is 365 days a year in ordinary day, we injected too much cultural and commercial speculation on it, so it is particularly heavy. In fact, we might as well be able to suppress that expectation and restlessness with an ordinary mind, and get some imperceptible satisfaction while eating and drinking, joking and visiting relatives and friends.

  Once, the spring festival left me many beautiful and unforgettable memories. I think today's children will feel the festive and grand festival as I did then. However, different ages have different experiences, perhaps their own personality and interest, whether all kinds of media how to render the actual bombing, my feelings are always unsatisfactory, than usual, many helpless, more tired tired and heavy. Parents must go there, friends and relatives there also have to go, colleagues have to go, but the content is nothing more than eating and drinking two words. Congratulation, happy new year, such as the heart that the most favorable auspices hackneyed and stereotyped expressions but awkward repeating again and again. Through the study, shopping, guessing gifts to treat another year repeated endlessly. Man is like a top, which is twisted and twisted by it. He does not know where the center of gravity is. So overwhelmed with the holiday, we have to make a strong childhood excitement, watch the whole night circulation of the party, listen to belongs to someone else's laughter, but the feelings of their tired eyes, disappointed mood, the stomach without desire. I'd rather like usual, homely fare, go to bed at ten o'clock, temporary see the book, or with friends to play a round of cards. Always felt that in this whole nation all happy day, I have no interest at all, or even always good appetite.

我的家鄉英語作文 篇8

  My hometown is located in Liaocheng city. It is located in the west of Shandong province. It is on the vast and fertile western Shandong plain. It is also called "Jiangbei Shuicheng" and "canal ancient capital"".

  Liaocheng is a historical and cultural city, but also a modern new city. Here is the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale through, like a jade belt, many of the attractions in Liaocheng and places of historic interest and scenic beauty together, for example: Shanshan hall, Dongchang Lake, Yue floor, cultural square and so on. In addition, Liaocheng has many leisure and entertainment attractions, such as: Dyke paradise, Phoenix Park, dragon Plaza, Lakeside Park, old Liaocheng gardens and sports park. The ferris wheel currently under construction will be the landmark of Liaocheng and the third highest Ferris wheel in asia.

  Shanshan hall visited? It was a place where the merchants of Shanxi and Shaanxi used to gather in Liaocheng during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Two yard of the old tree is said to have several hundred years of history, the old tree is still verdant, shows a wild profusion of vegetation, its vitality. There is an ancient stage in the center of the guild hall. It is made of whole wooden structure. Although it has been a hundred years old, each part of the ancient stage is still firm, so it can be seen how superb the craftsman's technique is at that time!

  Dongchang Lake is one of the most famous scenic spots in Liaocheng, every visitor to Liaocheng will not miss, otherwise you will regret it. Dongchang Lake is the biggest characteristic of the "big". Its area is 3 times larger than the present size of West Lake. So why does Liaocheng have the reputation of "Jiangbei water city"? One is because the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale runs through downtown, two is because the Dongchang Lake is the city's biggest lake, three is because the Tuhai River is the largest river in agricultural irrigation, four is because Liaocheng is the four river gathering place. This is the origin of Jiangbei Shuicheng

  Isn't our Liaocheng beautiful? If you want to come, I can be your guide!

我的家鄉英語作文 篇9

  Each place has its own unique local specialty. > my hometown luohe has many famous flavor snacks, such as Fried stinky tofu, spicy hot, potato powder, white jiamu meat, egg doula, string of incense, sauce explode fresh squid? Countless. Among them, I think the most delicious is the sauce is fresh squid.

  The sauce is very delicious and delicious. You see, there's some cumin in the skin, some sweet sauce, and the sauce is just the sauce, and the sauce comes from somewhere far away.

  Take a bunch of freshly baked squid, and before you put them in your mouth, a smell will go right through your nostrils. Gently bite into the mouth, and the smell of cumin and sweet sauce wafts from mouth to mouth, slowly turning into a drop of water that drips into your stomach as the mist turns into drops of water. After a bite of the squid meat, chew carefully and the meat is very chewy. If you eat the first bite, it will definitely encourage you to eat a second bite.

  The sauce is actually pretty simple. Is to make customers want squid on baking plate, with a flat pressure after a while, and brush on a layer of paste pressed again, later turn it over to brush a layer of paste, and so repeatedly for several times, namely the fresh squid bake them, and the flavor of the sauce deeply melting into the squid.

  Place the baked squid in a bun and roll up to eat. The squid is a lot of different types, too. My friend, do you want the sauce? If you think about it, I'm going to visit my hometown and I'm sure I can get you a delicious sauce!