查文庫>事件類英語作文> 【精華】保護環境英語作文10篇




保護環境英語作文 篇1

  Recently I found out that some bad things happened in our school.

  At ordinary times is very neat and clean campus, has recently become some dirty, some corner or in the corridors, students can be seen the plastic bags used to hold things, eat some fruit peel, cabinet and throw away the packing bag of after loud snacks. Is each class in our school there is a certain region responsible for cleaning, clean, will arrange the students per class every day the rubbish is certainly in the classmate after cleaning the health, and others left, I think the quality of the students really is very low, I don't know to cherish other people's work achievement, don't know how to protect the campus environment.

  Students, not to be good, not to be, not to be evil small but to be, everybody join hands together, protect our campus environment together!

保護環境英語作文 篇2

  What Can I Do for Our Environment?


  When we are in our classroom after 8:30 in the morning,we should not keep the lights on to avoid wasting electricity since there is enough light in the classroom.And if it is cloudy and rainy and lights are on,we should turn off the lights after school.Another thing we can do is to protect the forest which is reducing.We should use both sides of paper and we should not use paper cups and disposable chopsticks which are made of trees.

  All these are the things we can do every day to make our environment better. As long as we insist on doing so,our environment will become better and better.

保護環境英語作文 篇3

  Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

  We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

  Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.





保護環境英語作文 篇4

  Through observation, I found that plastic bags on people's harm and pollution is very large. People often use plastic bags: mother to buy food and plastic bags; to shopping malls with plastic bags; in the restaurant to eat rice is also packaged with plastic bags to take home; even I buy stationery also with plastic bags. People do not know what they do to the environment caused by pollution, their own body caused any harm. Such as: people often put useless plastic bags thrown into the garbage, plastic bags in the rubbish will be smelly, so that the pollution of the air. People also throw plastic bags anywhere, a wind, plastic bags flying in the sky, the branches also see the tree is a plastic bag, and even the river there are plastic bags. This plastic bag in addition to pollution of the air, but also polluted our water resources.

  We should raise people's awareness, tell us the neighbors and friends and family together to beautify our environment. On the road to see the plastic bag quickly picked up, immediately took it to the garbage disposal. We want to start from my use less plastic bags, so that my mother every day to buy food or shopping when they first take their own bags, this is not very environmentally friendly? Or can use their own holding things as far as possible by hand, no plastic bags.

  As the saying goes: "to protect the environment, everyone is responsible" We have to protect the home environment out of a force.




保護環境英語作文 篇5

  1、We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.我們應該阻止工廠生產有害氣體。

  2、Save the earth, Our Only Home.保護地球,我們唯一的家。

  3、As we know , water is very important to man.我們知道,水對人類來說是非常的重要。

  4、Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies.許多環保訴訟都涉及與政府機構的爭端。

  5、Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. Do not waste water. Use both sides of paper when you write. Stop using plastic bags for shopping. Make classrooms less noisy.不要在地上扔垃圾。不要浪費水。當你寫字時要在紙的兩面都要寫。停止使用塑膠袋去購物。減少教室裡德吵鬧聲。

  6、Don't litter the floor.不隨地扔垃圾。

  7、Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.許多國家制定了法律來保護大氣、森林和海洋資源,制止環境汙染。

  8、Please keep off the grass.不要踐踏草坪。

  9、It’s our duty to save water節約水是我們每個人的責任。

  10、Safety First.安全第一。

  11、Earth is our home, you rely on green.地球是我家,綠化靠大家。

  12、Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's lives.環境問題直接影響人們的生活質量。

  13、Let's do our best to make it more beautiful.讓我們盡力讓它更美麗。

  14、If we don't save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.如果我們不節約水,那麼最後一滴水也許會是我們人類的眼淚。

  15、Handle with Care.小心輕放。

  16、No climbing.禁止攀爬。

  17、The most important question in the world today is pollution.當今世界最重要的話題就是汙染問題。

  18、No one can live without water or air.沒有人能離開水和空氣生存。

保護環境英語作文 篇6

  Although our country resources, abundant natural resources. But, you know? All these are not enough, more important is to pay attention to environmental protection!

  I think the government should advocate environmental protection, more involved in environmental protection, contribute to environmental protection, organize environmental protection is the most critical. You said, is it?

  First of all, should tell the public, to pay attention to every green thing, actively do environmental protection work, don't throw rubbish, see garbage to pick up in time. Second, want to throw the waste battery is the problem to solve, I should take this matter to do better, in some places put some recycle used batteries, for people to take every day. As a result, whether living in remote areas, or live in the bustling place, can easily dispose of used batteries, never going to happen that people don't know how to deal with waste battery threw the waste batteries into the dustbin. Finally, the government should increase the position of a environmental protection worker, let more people involved in the environmental protection work.

  In order to environmental protection, take action!





保護環境英語作文 篇7

  A few days ago, I saw lots of uncle aunt spitting in the street.

  Not, today again see a school wearing a black T-shirt uncle, he casually spit onto the ground. I quickly come forward to stop, I didn't think uncle didn't look at me, continue to go forward.

  Sometimes, the grandpa in the home also can make the same mistake. Driving well, suddenly to a screeching halt, opened the window one mouthful phlegm vomit. When I stop him, he said: "it doesn't matter." But I'm not discouraged, see uncle, aunt spit anywhere, I will stop them in time. Remind them to pay attention next time. If they had followed my advice, my in the mind is better than eating the honey still sweet. For example, the last time I go to the park to play, my father and mother saw a aunt walked into the grass, vomitted an one mouthful phlegm. I saw hurriedly block, aunt smiled at me and said "I'm sorry, but I will pay attention next time." At that time, don't mention how much I have a sense of achievement.

  Whenever grandpa didn't listen to my advice, I would reason with him. "Spit to influenza infection, diseases such as tuberculosis, harm is very big, do not only their uncivilized, also hurt others, also caused great damage to our environment." Grandpa heard my these words have never spit sputum. Mistakes can change or good comrade!

  For one hundred days after the youth Olympic Games, let us work together, starts from me, do civilization from nanjing, nanjing and beauty.






保護環境英語作文 篇8

  Low-carbon life is good for everyone.

  To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom.

  I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes.

  If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place.

保護環境英語作文 篇9

  1.全球的關注global concern

  2.越來越糟get worse and worse/ get from bad to worse/

  3.環境的破壞the destruction of our environment

  4.改善環境刻不容緩get more and more serious

  1. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is.

  2. Laws have been passed to protect our environment.

  3. A large quantity of trees should be planted.

  4. It is glorious to take care of the environments while it is shameful to pollute them.

  5. Only in this way can we enjoy fresh air and live a healthy life.

  6. To protect ourselves, we must keep the balance of nature.

  7. We should take good care of the forest and plant more trees instead of cutting down so as to improve our living conditions.

  8.To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.


  9.I make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation


  10.We are sure that we’ll win the battle.


  11. Keep our mountains green, the water clean, and the sky blue.


  12.Our earth's days are numbered without urgent help.


  13(Sth.)are bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blink eye to them.



  Environmental protection has caused global concern recently.


  It’s high time we took immediate measures to protect our earth from being polluted.

保護環境英語作文 篇10

  In modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we are not clean as before. So many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it.

  As we all know, the environment pollution is more and more serious during these years, what we could do is to make great efforts in protecting environment gradually. As to government pollution, as to common people. We also try to protect it and make it remain clean. Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go.

