查文庫>問答> believe in 後加什麼

believe in 後加什麼

  Believe和believe in 的區別與聯絡:


  Believe表示“相信”、“信以為真”(to accept as true)之意,它是及物動詞,其後直接跟賓語.例如:

  Do you believe his reports?你相信他的報告嗎?

  I could hardly believe my eyes.我幾乎不能相信自己的'眼睛。

  In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.古時候,人們認為地球是扁平的.

  Believe in則表示“信仰”、“信任”(to have faith in somebody or something)之意。其後的常用搭配語為:有關宗教、理論、原則、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等詞;例中的believe為不及物動詞.如:

  We do not believe in ghosts.我們不信鬼神。

  He believes in getting plenty of exercise.他相信多鍛鍊身體就會有好處。

  In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity.
