查文庫>教學課件> 現在進行時教學課件



  現在進行時的基本用法,表示現在 正在發生的事情。下面是小編為大家收集整理的現在,歡迎閱讀。進行時教學課件




  結構:助動詞 be ( am / is / are ) +現在分詞.

  二、 現在分詞的.構成:


  Eg: carry-carrying,catch-catching,drink-drinking, enjoy-enjoying hurry-hurrying ,do-doing , read-reading , think-thinking

  2. 如果動詞以-e結尾,則去掉-e,再加-ing,

  如come-coming , have-having , make-making,ride-riding,write-writing,take-taking,use-using.

  3. 如果動詞只有一個母音字母,而其後跟有一個子音字母時,將此子音字母雙寫,再加-ing

  如: hit-hitting,let-letting, put-putting,run-running,sit-sitting.

  4. 如果動詞有兩個音節,且重音在第二個音節上,則末尾的子音字母須雙寫,再加-ing,

  如: for’get-forgetting,pre’fer-preferring,up’set-upsetting.試比較 ’benefit/benfiting, ’differ/differing,’profit/profiting,這些詞的重音在第一個音節上,因此其末尾的子音字母不雙寫.

  5. 以 -ic 結尾的動詞,應先把 -ic 變為 -ick,再加 -ing,eg: panic/panicking,picnic/picnicking,但 lie/lying ,die/dying,tie/tying是特殊變化要記住.


  1.現在進行時的肯定形式、否定形式、疑問形式及其回答,所有變化都體現在助動詞 be ( is / am / are ) 上.

  1)現在進行時的肯定形式:主語+be(am/ is/are)+doing+其他成分

  I am singing . They are writing .

  2)現在進行時的否定形式:主語+be(am/ is/are)+not +doing+其他成分

  I am not singing . They aren’t writing .

  3)一般疑問句及回答:be(am/ is/are)+ 主語+doing+其他成分

  Am I singing ? Yes ,you are . / No ,you aren’t .

  Are they writing ? Yes ,they are . / No ,they aren’t .

  4)特殊疑問句及回答:特殊疑問詞+be(am/ is/are)+主語+doing+其他成分

  What are you doing ? We are playing (要求就提問內容具體回答).

  2. 縮寫形式如下:

  I am---I’m You are---You’re He is---He’s She is---She’s

  It is---It’s We are---We’re They are---They’re

  3.說明: 不是所有動詞都能用現在進行時態的,如:see、like、want、know 等動詞往往都不用進行時態.


  1.表示現在( 指說話人說話時) 正在發生的事情.往往與 now,at the moment,just 等副詞連用,以示強調.

  We are waiting for you? What are you doing? Some one’s knocking at the door.

  2.正在進行著的動作可視為未完成的動作: He’s talking to his friends in the classroom.

  可用 still 一詞強調動作的持續性 He’s still talking to his friends in the classroom.

  3. 表示長期的或重複性的動作,說話時動作未必正在進行.

  Mr. Black is writing another article. Don’t take that book away. Your father’s using it.

  She is learning piano under Mr. Black.


  What’s your brother doing these days? He’s studying English at Oxford University.


  People are becoming more and more beautiful these days.

  6. 表示漸變的動詞有:become,turn,get,grow,run,go,begin等.

  The leaves are turning brow. It’s getting colder and colder.

  7.與always,constantly,forever 等詞連用,表反覆發生的動作或持續存在的狀態,往往帶有說話人的主觀色彩.

  You are always changing your mind.

  8. 現在進行時(以及 be going to)可以表示為將來安排好的活動和事件 We’re spending next winter in China. 用arrive,come,go,leave 等動詞的現在進行時描寫行 程安排,也通常有“將到達”和“將離去”的意思: He’s arriving tomorrow morning.


  He is always singing at night,and we can’t fall asleep late at night