5)社會實踐 Social Practice 社會實踐包括在校內擔任助教,助研,在校內外從事業餘(part-time Jobs)、暑期打工(Summer Jobs)和等等。如果這些社會實踐同你應聘的有密切的關係,把它們寫出來便可以顯示自己的`意志、勤奮、責任感、能力和獨立性。例如: September 1988 to July 1990, Teaching Assistant at South China Normal University. Responsible for correcting seniors' English compositions and term papers. 1988年9月至1990年7月,在華南師範擔任助教,負責修改本科四年級的作文和學期。 Summers 1987 and 1988, Waitress at Dong Fang Hotel: Apart from routine waitress' responsibilities, acted as an assistant manager in charge of training waiters and waitresses. 1987年和1988年夏天,在東方賓館當女侍應:除了擔負日常侍應職責之外,還充當助理經理,負責男女侍應生。 From 1991 to 1992, served as a governess, helping a high school student with his maths and biology, twice a week. 自1991年至1992年,當家庭女教師,輔導一名中的數學和生物,每週兩次。 Graduation Practice: Working as a public relations girl at the White Swan Hotel (from April to June 1993) :在白天鵝賓館當公關小姐(1993年4月至6月)。 (6)課外活動 Extracurricular Activities 在學歷中寫出你在校園裡參加的各種課外活動,可以讓僱主看到你的才能、愛好、修養、成熟和健康狀態。課外活動主要包括以下幾種活動: a. 體育活動 (Physical Activities),例如: Captain of the university basketball team. 籃球隊隊長。 Player of the college volleyball team. 學院排球隊隊員。 Goal