查文庫>英語演講稿> 關於競選班長的英文演講稿





  Ladied and gentlemen:

  Good morning!

  Today,My sole purpose of standing on stage here is to run for "the chief leaders of the class" – the monitor.

  As the saying goes,the husband is to be the one of the same interest,similarly,the monitor must be the one of compatible character.

  I have never served as cadres of class,leading to my lack of experience.This is the disadvantage,but just because I never muddle along in the officialdom,I am honest with no bureaucratic tone and airs,with less flinching personal intensions,and more adventurous pioneering spirit.It is precisely because of the fact that I have always been living in the substratum,have never experienced standing high above the masses,and dislike putting on bureaucratic airs,therefore,I especially posess the style of democracy.Acordingly,my slogan is always “to be a thorough civilian monitor”.I’d like to be a doer,having no use for any flowery language to polish.Work makes me annealed,while life makes me brought up.


  Run for monitor speech of 100 words


  Beloved teacher, dear students:


  Everybody is good!


  My name is Zhang Xiaohua, chose to run for the monitor, because I get up the courage. In the class, I was a leader, learning has always been good to answer questions -- class actively accurate, is the teacher's small cotton padded jacket; in the morning reading, I have a certain management ability, is the small guards maintain class order; in the class, I can play with my classmates together, remind they don't play dangerous games. Of course, I will redouble its efforts to study, communication, training, to contribute to the honor classes!


  Although, I know there is a lot of good than their own students, but I understand, participation.


  If you choose me, I will try to the leader's responsibility, work hard together with classmates, there are dissatisfied with my fellow


  Science can and I said, I must correct the errors in time.


  Thank you!