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六年級英語作文:My favourite festival

六年級英語作文:My favourite festival

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  My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It’s in January or February. People in China celebrate it, and there are many things to do. We often celebrate Spring Festival by having a big dinner, visiting relatives and friends, getting some red packets and letting off fireworks. We often have a big dinner from the first day of Spring Festival to the last day. We often go to our relatives’ home and have a big dinner and also we have a big dinner at home. We often have many things to talk and we are very happy. After dinner, we watch the TV programs of CCTV. There are many plays, and we often laugh at them. At midnight, we don’t go to bed but wait for the new day. We always let off fireworks. It’s very exciting and interesting! At Spring Festival, we always visit our relatives and friends too. We go shopping with them, and children are very excited to visit their relatives because they can get some red packets from their relatives. There is some money in it and children can use it to buy toys, books or some snacks.

  Spring Festival is very interesting, isn’t it?