查文庫>春天> 關於春天的英語作文及翻譯:春風吹過來了



  Year after year, the four seasons alternating. In winter the spring will come in the past, everywhere is a vibrant, colorful.Spring girl quietly came to the land, all kinds of flowers, scrambling from green leaves, has welcomed the peach blossom, morning glory... They are looking curiously at the spring girl, and countless bees hum, the butterfly also dance to welcome the spring in the air.Spring girl came to the jujube forest at the foot of the mountain, she took a bath, for the lovely XiaoZaoShu and the jujube is the sucking the dew of spring. Spring girl quietly came to a village, tender tea like one lovely elf, they miss zheng big eyes looking at the spring rain, and beside the azalea is bubbled up from the land, to show off its beautiful petals.Finally, the spring girl came to the field, see the fields of flowers, the grass to say hello, and brought them a spring girl is slightly small wind, blow the flowers, the grass with a smile, the spring girl came to the water, see the fish in the water was practicing water spray gun, the spring breeze and take a walk, see a few children are worried for his kite hanging in a tree, the spring girl saw, gently blows, the kite fall down.The spring breeze feels really good! Let everyone feel cool and refreshing and comfortable feeling.

  一年又一年,四季不斷交替著。冬天一過去春天就來了,到處都是生機勃勃,五顏六色。 春風姑娘悄悄來到了這片土地,各種各樣的花兒爭先恐後地從綠葉間鑽出來,有迎桃花、喇叭花……它們都好奇地望著春風姑娘,還有數不清的蜜蜂在嗡嗡地鬧,蝴蝶也在空中翩翩起舞地迎接春天。 春雨姑娘來到了山腳的.棗樹林,她為可愛的小棗樹們洗了個澡,而棗樹們就盡情的吮吸著春天的甘露。春風姑娘又悄悄來到一座茶山,嫩嫩的茶葉就像一個個可愛的小精靈一樣,它們睜大眼睛望著春雨姑娘,而旁邊的杜鵑花也從土地裡冒了出來,炫耀它自己美麗的花瓣。 最後,春風姑娘來到了田野間,看到田野中的小花、小草正向自己打招呼,而春風姑娘就給他們帶來了一陣微微的小風,把小花、小草吹的滿臉的笑容,春風姑娘走到了水邊,看到水裡的魚兒正在練習噴水槍戰,春風又走了走,看到了幾個孩子正為自己的風箏掛在樹上而發愁,春風姑娘看見了,輕輕一吹,風箏就落下來了。 春風感覺真美呀!讓大家都感覺到清涼、舒適的感覺。