查文庫>事件類英語作文> 我的週末計劃英語作文(帶翻譯)



  Today, I have to draw up my plan, entitled: Labour plans over the weekend

  Few words, said to my plan, I'll GO! First step - mop the floor, although this is just a simple job, I examined the drag of the ground can be a piece of work that can be let me run out of energy, alas! Wipe glass, the first thing I brought a little wet dishcloth, I wipe the right spray spray the spray dish detergent left brushed, alas! My hands well acid, for too much, but unfortunately the piece glass darling let me give it a bath. At the end of a can let me eat a hell: wash the pot. It and I get along well with each other at the beginning, then it can be moody, dirty wash not to drop. Had to use my trick "to", restraining I help him by a motorcycle with melons cloth first, then a brush with steel ball, ha ha! She can be surrendered. But I am too tired to general weakness. .

  I finally understand mother's hard work, but it seems my plans are completed in the mind also fruity. Happiness is in the work that is good for human, the other words is true.


  話不多說,我馬上進行我的計劃,GO!  第一步 —— 拖地,別看這只是一項簡單的工作,我仔仔細細的拖完地可這一件工作可讓我耗盡體力 ,唉!第一件事擦璃,我拿來有點溼的抹布,我上擦擦 左噴噴《噴洗碗精》右擦擦,唉!我的手好酸,舉太高了,不過不幸中的大幸是璃乖乖的讓我給它洗澡。最後的一件可讓我吃足了苦頭:洗鍋子。一開始我和它相處得很好,後來它可鬧脾氣了,髒髒的都洗不掉。只好用我的.絕招“以柔制剛”我先用菜瓜布幫他按個摩,最後再用鋼絲球一刷,哈哈!她可投降了。不過我也累得全身無力。氣喘如牛。
