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  Einstein, virtuous descendant American scientist.1879 Year March 14's wasing born in Germany black ear 姆 is a small owner family of the town, on April 18,1955 卒 in American Princeton.Liking music since childhood is a well-trained violin hand.Graduate from the industrial university of federal in Zurich in 1900 and obtain Switzerland book.Behind find out to fix a work in the 伯爾尼 Switzerland patent bureau.His a series of earlier period's historic ll of achievementses are here to make.1909 work in the academic circles, serving as an University of Zurich theories physics associate prof


  instein,virtuous descendant American scientist.1879 Year March 14's wasing born in Germany black ear 姆 is a small owner family of the town,on April 18,1955 卒 in American Princeton.Liking music since childhood is a well-trained violin hand.Graduate from the industrial university of federal in Zurich in 1900 and obtain Switzerland book.Behind find out to fix a work in the 伯爾尼 Switzerland patent bureau.His a series of earlier period's historic ll of achievementses are here to make.1909 work in the academic circles,serving as an University of Zurich theories physics associate professor.In 1914,should M.The gram of 普朗 and W.Ability the 斯 take off of invitation,return to Germany to allow the physical graduate school bureau chief of William's Royal and University of Berlin professor.Hitler goes on stage in 1933,Einstein because of ising a Jew,and then defending democracy determinedly,the head encounters a persecution,compelled emigration the United States of Princeton.1940 goes into an US citizenship.Retire in 1945.Einstein distinguish in 1905 and 1915,put forward special theory of Relativity and general theory of Relativity,re- explain the basic concept of physics,revised Newton's mechanics,replaced traditional universal gravitation theories,make the estimate of physics theories more accurate.Einstein and Newton are the giants that the physical history is up juxtaposed.

  愛因斯坦,德裔美國科學家.1879 年3月14日生於德國烏耳姆鎮的一個小業主家庭,1955年4 月18日卒於美國普林斯頓.自幼喜愛音樂,是一名熟練的`小提琴手.1900年畢業於蘇黎世聯邦工業大學並取得瑞士籍.後在伯爾尼瑞士專利局找到固定工作.他早期的一系列歷史性成就都是在這裡作出的.1909年首次在學術界任職,出任蘇黎世大學理論物理學副教授.1914年,應M.普朗克和W.能斯脫的邀請,回德國任威廉皇家物理研究所所長兼柏林大學教授.1933年希特勒上臺,愛因斯坦因為是猶太人,又堅決捍衛民主,首遭迫害,被迫移居美國的普林斯頓.1940年入美國籍.1945年退休.愛因斯坦分別於1905年和1915年,提出了狹義相對論和廣義相對論,重新詮釋物理學的基本概念,修正了牛頓力學,取代了傳統的萬有引力理論,使物理理論的預測更為精確.愛因斯坦和牛頓是物理史上並列的巨人