查文庫>其他類英語作文> 關於興建造紙廠 On Building a Paper Factory英語作文

興建造紙廠 On Building a Paper Factory英語作

關於興建造紙廠 On Building a Paper Factory英語作文

  A British company wants to build a paper factory in our city.But opinions are different on that issue.

  Some agree that we should build the paper factory.If we do so,many new jobs can be created for local people,which will surely push the development of the city's economy.What's more,the factory will bring in modern ideas of management and new machines,including equipment for protecting the environment.

  On the other hand,others insist on not having it built in the city.They are worrying about the pollution most.They believe that the fac-tory will produce noises which will disturb people's peaceful life.Be-sides,poisonous gas from the factory will dirty the air we breathe.The river will also be polluted by the waste water from the factory.




  一些人同意建這個造紙廠。 如果建了工廠,將會有許多新員工作提供給當地人,這定將推動城市經濟的發展。還有,工廠能帶來現代管理理念和新機器,包括環境保護的裝置。

  另一方面,另一些人堅持要求造紙廠不要建在城市裡。 他們最擔心汙染問題,他們認為工廠會製造噪聲,打擾居民平靜的`生活。而且,從工廠排出的有害氣體將汙染我們呼吸的空氣,河水也將會被工廠排出的汙水所汙染。