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在蘇州愉快地生活(Living in Suzhou happily)英語

在蘇州愉快地生活(Living in Suzhou happily)英語作文

  在日常學習、工作和生活中,大家對作文都再熟悉不過了吧,作文是經過人的思想考慮和語言組織,透過文字來表達一個主題意義的記敘方法。一篇什麼樣的作文才能稱之為優秀作文呢?以下是小編為大家收集的在蘇州愉快地生活(Living in Suzhou happily)英語作文,希望對大家有所幫助。

  My name is Yu Meng. I’m a Chinese girl. I live in Suzhou for only three years, but my family all like Suzhou. Suzhou is a beautiful city; there are many rivers and bridges in it. The water in the rivers is clean; there are many fish, shrimp, spiral shells and water-plants in it.

  Suzhou in spring is beautiful. Spring comes in March. The weather gets warmer and the days get longer. The trees are green. We often fly kites in the playground. The kites are beautiful, birds, butter flies, dragonflies and rectangles, squares, triangles. How beautiful! Sometimes we row boats in the lake.

  Summer in Suzhou comes in June. The days are long and the nights are short. It is always hot and often rainy. The sun shines every day. Only at the rain time, it’s a little cool. We often go swimming and eat a lot of ice-creams.

  Autumn comes in September. I like autumn best. Because it’s cool, it’s usually sunny. In the countryside, all the things are gold. It’s very pretty.

  Winter starts in December. The days are short and the nights are long. In Suzhou, winter is cold and windy. There’s no snow. But in my hometown, there’s a lot of snow, it is the best season in my hometown. The name of my hometown is Fushun. It’s a small city in the northeast of China. But I love it. When I was a little child, I played snow with my friends, such as making snowman, having snowball fights, etc, I was so happy! But here’s no snow.

  My family is not big. There are my parents, my grandma, my grandma’s sister and I. I have not grandpa, he died nine years ago. My parents are office workers. My grandma’s sister is a cook, she cook very delicious food for us. I have a very happy family. I’m a student in Baidai Experimental Primary School. I’m 14 years old; I’m in Class 1 Grade 6. I will finish primary school and go to a middle school.

  I like animals, and I like dinosaurs best. I can draw them very well. I’m good at drawing. And I like leopards, lions, tigers, wolves and foxes, too. I think they are clever and dexterous. I had a rabbit, her name is Xiuxiu, I like her very much. But one day, a big dog tiger ate her. What a pity! I was very sad. But I like tiger, too. I just CRIticized him angrily. He doesn’t want to do it again. Now, tiger is my good friend.

  I live in Suzhou happily.







  我的家庭並不大。有我的父母, 奶奶,姨奶奶和我。我沒有爺爺,他九年前去世了。我的父母是辦公室裡的工作人員。我姨奶奶是個廚師,她做給我們吃美味的食物。我的家庭是個快樂的家。我是寶帶實驗小學的一位學生。我今年14歲了,我在六(1)班。我要小學畢業瞭然後去讀初中。

