查文庫>李清照> 淺論李清照詩詞意象的轉變



  摘 要

  李清照的詞婉約、清新、憂憤、深沉,畢業論文-論李清照詩詞意象的轉變 - 語言文學論文。李清照的詞,傾訴真摯情,善用白描法,熔鍊家常語。前期的.詞,主要描寫少女、少婦的生活,多寫閨情,流露了她對愛情生活的嚮往和別離相思的痛苦。她的前期詞主要透過1種清新活潑的、少婦思夫的意象給我們展現1個純情的意境。後期的詞,多悲嘆身世,有時也流露出對中原的懷念,以表達她的愛國思想。後期由於時代的變遷帶來的個人命運的變化,李清照的作品多表現出1種孤寂愁苦的意象,語文論文《畢業論文-論李清照詩詞意象的轉變 - 語言文學論文》。李清照的文學創作具有鮮明獨特的意象,居婉約派之首,對後世影響較大,在詞壇中獨樹1幟,稱為“易安體”。



  Apart term most representative works, fresh, worried and indignant, deep. Apart term, someone sincere affection, use simple and straightforward style of writing law, smelting Allah language. Term, major depicting young girls, young womens lives, many wrote erotic, reveals her love for life and leave lovesickness suffering. Her first term, mainly through a fresh and lively, young women Her show us the images of a single picture. Late term, multi-feeding ones lot, sometimes revealed to the Central Plains miss to express her patriotism. Changes brought about by the late era of personal destiny changes, the works show a bright all lonely sadness imaging. Apart unique literary creations with distinct imagery, the first to send home most representative works to future generations greater impact in terms Tan, carve its own, known as "Yi-body."

  Key words: Li Qingzhao; Simple and beautiful supple is graceful; Sentiment of the missing; Lonely sentiment; Image transformation