查文庫>好文> 同情的英語及例句









  He is overflowing with sympathy.

  他充滿同情之心。We pity the victims of war.

  我們同情戰爭受害者。 His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy.

  他的情況不大可能引起公眾的同情。To coerce in an unsympathetic or cruel way.

  脅迫以不同情或殘忍的方式脅迫。I don't tend to sympathize with those family heads who are oversensitive.

  我對那些神經過敏的傢伙並不同情。Between them there was a deep unexpressed bond of sympathy.

  在他們之間,有一種深深的未曾說出口的同情把他們連在一起。To affect a wistful or languid air, especially in order to gain sympathy.

  表現出惹人愛憐的`倦態做出渴望的或疲倦的神態,尤其是為了贏得同情The cashier seemed apathetic, smiling a sardonic smile. A young clerk, however, was kind enough to tell me

  但對方只是冷冷地一笑,似乎並不同情我,倒是一個小夥計對我很好,他說Professor Hilton paused and glared at him, unsympathetic and unimaginative as one of his own test-tubes.

  希爾頓老師停了停,瞪著地,缺乏同情和想像力,跟他的試管一樣。She longed for a sympathetic person to whom she could unburden herself.


  n. 同情,憐憫

  They felt grievous compassion for her.

  他們繫念著她的不幸的遭遇。The Mother Superior is the soul of compassion.

  那個女修道院院長是具有同情心的典範。Use your compass to bisect an angle.

  用圓規把一個角二等分。 relent是什麼意思:

  v. 變溫和;動憐憫心;減弱;緩和

  In the morning the storm relented a little.

  早晨大風暴減弱了一些。If the weather relents, the game will be finished today.

  如果天氣轉好的話,比賽將在今天結束。Your own family might in time relent.

  你自己的家庭總有一天會變溫和。 sympathize是什麼意思:

  v. 同情,憐憫;支援

  Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas.

  住在那裡的大多數人支援游擊隊。His parents do not sympathize with his ambition to be an actor.

  他的父母不贊同他做演員的志願。A Northerner who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
