查文庫>問答> of和for和to的用法與區別


  2. 對於用“for”eg.1.She has a liking for painting.她愛好繪畫 She had a natural gift for teaching.她對教學有天賦/

  表示贊成同情,用“for”eg.1.Are you for the idea or against it?你是支援還是反對這個想法?3.He expresses sympathy for the common people..他表現了對普通老百姓的.同情.

  4 表示因為,由於(常有較活譯法),用“for”eg.1 Thank you for coming.2.France is famous for its wines.法國因酒而出名.

  5. 當事人對某事的主觀看法,對於(某人),對…來說(多和形容詞連用),用介詞to,不用for.eg.He said that money was not important to him.他說錢對他並不重要.To her it was rather unusual.對她來說這是相當不尋常的.

  6. 和fit,good,bad,useful,suitable 等形容詞連用,表示適宜,適合.用for.eg.Some training will make them fit for the job.經過一段訓練,他們會勝任這項工作的.Exercises are good for health.鍛鍊有益於健康.Smoking and drinking are bad for health.抽菸喝酒對健康有害.You are not suited for the kind of work you are doing.

  7.表示不定式邏輯上的主語,可以用在主語、表語、狀語、定語中.1. It would be best for you to write to him.2. The simple thing is for him to resign at once.3. There was nowhere else for me to go.4. He opened a door and stood aside for her to pass.