查文庫>問答> accept的用法與搭配




  如:She offered him a lift and he accepted (it). 她請他坐她的車,他就領情了。

  2.其後可接名詞或代詞作賓語,但一般不接不定式。要表示漢語的'“接受做某事”,可用agree to do sth。

  如:他的想法是那樣好,我們都同意採用。His idea was such a good one that we all agreed to use it. accept與receive 的區別

  1.receive 通常指被動地“收到”或“接到”,而 accept 則指主動地“接受”。

  如:We haven’t received his letter for a long time. 我們很久沒有收到他的來信了。

  比較體會:She received his present, but she didn’t accept it.她收到了他的禮物,但是沒有接受。

  注意:有時用詞要視語言習慣而定,而不能簡單地認為 receive=收到,accept=接受。如“接受禮物”說成英語是accept a gift, 而“接受教育”卻是receive an education。

  2.表示“接見”、“接待”時,要用 receive 而不用 accept。如:

  She was warmly received. 她受到熱情接待。