查文庫>試題> 九年級英語1–3單元測試題



  聽力題 (20%)

  I. 聽句子, 選擇與所聽句子意思相同的答案, 聽一遍 (5%)

  ( )1. A. I think he has gone there.

  B. I think he has been here.

  C. I think he has run away.

  ( )2. A. My grandma is a teacher now.

  B. My grandma was a teacher before.

  C. My grandma is a teacher not only now but before.

  ( )3. A. What happened to your plan?

  B. You plan what will be wrong.

  C. You must be the plan if you have problems.

  ( )4. A. There are quite a lot of visitors from the world to see New Zealand.

  B. Many tourists from many countries visit New Zealand all the years round.

  C. Many people in New Zealand visit everywhere in the world.

  ( )5. A. You’re driving too quick to stop.

  B. You aren’t traveling slowly enough to be safe.

  C. You should travel more slowly.

  II. 對話理解, 根據問題及對話,選擇正確答案, 聽一遍 (5%)

  ( )1. A. One pan. B. Two pans. C. Nothing.

  ( )2. A. Eight hours. B. Ten hours. C. Twelve hours.

  ( )3. A. Two. B. Five. C. Six.

  ( )4. A. They visited some places. B. They went to school. C. They took pictures.

  ( )5. A. In the library. B. In the video shop. C. In the classroom.

  III. 短文理解, 根據短文內容,選擇正確答案, 聽兩遍 (10%)

  ( )1. This story is about New Year’s Eve in ________.

  A. Italy B. Spain C. Japan D. All of the above

  ( )2. People in Spain welcome New Year by _______ after twelve.

  A. eating grapes B. eating noodles

  C. throwing the old things D. watching the sunrise

  ( )3. People In both Spain and Japan ________ to bring in the new year.

  A. throw things away B. get together

  C. eat some food D. climb a mountain

  ( )4. Japanese climb Mount Fuji to ________.

  A. look at the stars B. look for new year’s wishes

  C. see the sun coming up D. have a rest

  ( )5. The people in _______ hope to get long life from their New Year’s food.

  A. Japan B. China C. Spain D. Italy

  筆試題 (80%)

  I. 英漢互譯。(10%)

  1. 因……而著名 2. 一年四季

  3. 就目前而言 4. 越……越

  5. 得到……的稱讚 6. come true

  7. base on 8. at rest

  9. sooner or later 10. come up with

  II. 單項選擇 (20%)

  ( )1. The children used to _______ early every morning.

  A. get up B. go to bed C. wake them up D. wash their faces

  ( )2. He’s seen the CD player, _______?

  A. wasn’t he B. isn’t he C. doesn’t he D. hasn’t he

  ( )3. We’ve _____ the lost boy everywhere, but we can’t _____ him.

  A. looked for, look for B. found, find C. looked for, find D. found, look for

  ( )4. They will _____ five yuan for the new dictionary.

  A. buy B. take C. cost D. pay

  ( )5. Our English teacher often _______ us to work hard at English.

  A. asked B. has told C. encourages D. supposes

  ( )6. You shouldn’t ______ it now, Please have a try.

  A. go on B. give up C. recycle D. spit

  ( )7. Mary _______ the English story book if she doesn’t finish it.

  A. won’t renew B. will return C. has read D. has known

  ( )8. He lives near the sea and joins a sport team, he must be a super ______.

  A. surfer B. fisher C. boatman D. swimer

  ( )9. Edison is famous ______ a inventor _____ the world.

  A. for, all over B. as, over C. for, all D. as, all over

  ( )10. She says she ______ Newquay twice.

  A. has been in B. has been to C. has gone to D. has come in

  ( )11. The coach tells us he’ll show us ______ in the sea.

  A. how to do B. where to do it C. what to do D. what to do it

  ( )12. There is _______ boy pouring waste water into the river.

  A. a 8-year-old B. a 8-years-old C. an 8-year-old D. an 8-yeas-old

  ( )13. Liu Wei went on ______ competition after surfing.

  A. to swim B. swimming C. to ski D. canoeing

  ( )14. There is a ____ difference between serious surfers and the ____ “beach boy”.

  A. little, so-called B. little, real C. big, so-called D. big, real

  ( )15. The foreigners set ______ Hawaii at seven tomorrow morning.

  A. off B. out C. out to D. off for

  ( )16. Some tourists in Cape town ______ everywhere.

  A. litter B. collect dirty things C. pick flowers D. smoke

  ( )17. My teacher has been at this school _______.

  A. for two years ago B. in 1998 C. after two years D. since two years ago

  ( )18. Chinese people make a contribution to _____ China.

  A. change B. changing C. protect D. protecting

  ( )19. My father often tells me ______ I work, the better I get.

  A. more hardly B. harder C. the harder D. the more hardly

  ( )20. Not only you but also he ______ here for over one year and a half.

  A. lived B. has lived C. have lived D. are living

  III. 同義句句型轉換 (10%)

  1. He went home from factory yesterday afternoon.

  He ______ _______ home from factory yesterday afternoon.

  2. They live to surf and nothing can stop them.

  They surf _____ ______ and nothing can make them to _______ ______.

  3. They bought the CD for ten yuan.

  They ______ ten yuan ________ the CD.

  4. The boy’s teacher was very proud of him in class.

  The boy’s teacher _______ ______ of him in class.

  IV. 完形填空 (10%)

  In our country every school has a library. I’m sure you have read many interesting books. You borrow them from the school library and keep them for 1 . Maybe you also borrow books from 2 libraries, or you get books from your parents or friends 3 presents. If you like reading and want to learn 4 , you may often go to bookshops and buy some 5 .

  Have you ever thought of 6 people make books? After someone finishes 7  a “book”, the “book” passes through the hands of many people. Everyone has to work very 8 . Because there 9 any mistake in it. Different people must check it several 10 before it is printed(印刷). In the factory, many people are busy working on it. They print it on good paper, get the pieces together and so on.

  We all like reading. Let’s take good care of books.

  ( )1. A. some times B. some time C. sometimes D. sometime

  ( )2. A. the others B. another C. the other D. other

  ( )3. A. for B. to C. as D. like

  ( )4. A. much B. many C. many more D. much more

  ( )5. A. oneself B. himself C. yourself D. themselves

  ( )6. A. how B. what C. when D. where

  ( )7. A. reads B. writes C. reading D. writing

  ( )8. A. careful B. carefully C. quick D. quickly

  ( )9. A. must be B. must have C. must not be D. must not have

  ( )10. A. time B. times C. mistakes D. books

  V. 閱讀理解 (10%)


  Jane Eyre

  Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)

  Oxford University Press, 1992

  253 p

  David Copperfield

  Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

  Beijing University Press, 1998

  218 p


  Press C for Copy Status

  & Location Availability

  AUTHIOR Margaret Mitchell

  TITLE Gone With The Wind

  PUBLISHER Macmillan Company

  DESCRIPTION Love epic set in the old American South

  SUBJECTS Civil War fiction, slavery, social customs, U.S.

  SO=Start Over, B=Back RW=Related Works, R=Request, SB=Save Bibliography

  Please base on the tables above, and then choose the best answer.

  ( )1. We know there are ______ above the tables.

  A. three cards B. two cards and one computer screen

  C. three computer screens D. two American writers and one English writer

  ( )2. David Copperfield is _______.

  A. an author B. the name of a book C. the name of a boy D. a place

  ( )3. Charlotte Bronte was ______.

  A. thirty-nine years old B. fifty-eight years old

  C. the name of a novel D. a publisher

  ( )4. We can know the main contents about the novel in _______.

  A. Table 1 B. Table 2 C. Table 3 D. all of them

  ( )5. We can learn how many pagers there are about the book in _____.

  A. Table 1 B. Table 2 C. Table 3 D. A and B


  Pineapple(菠蘿) grows well in the tropical(熱帶的) part of our country. When you go to Hainan Island, you will see much of it.

  The pineapple doesn’t grow on trees, as some fruit does. It grows up from the ground. The tops may be cut off and planted. The pineapple plant grows to about two feet.

  The pineapple looks like a large pine cone(球果). It has a hard, brown covering. Its leaves have points. Inside it is yellow and juicy. The middle part is hard, and is not used for canning (罐裝). But middle part is sweet! Next time you have fresh pineapples, try a piece of the hard middle.

  Canned or fresh, the pineapple is a good fruit to eat.

  ( )6. Pineapple grows well in the _____ of our country.

  A. eats B. west C. south D. norty

  ( )7. Pineapple is a kind of ________.

  A. plant B. tree C. fruit D. juicy

  ( )8. We can eat _______ pineapple on Hainan Island.

  A. fresh B. sweet C. yellow D. juicy

  ( )9. The hard middle part of pineapple is used for ______.

  A. canning B. eating C. planting D. selling

  ( )10. The passage above is about _______.

  A. the sweet fruit B. the pine cone

  C. an pine apple tree D. the fruit tree

  VI. 短文填空 (10%)

  根據下列的一封信的內容及首字母提示,完成下列短文的'空格, 使書信內容完整。


  Today my wife and I e 1 a trip to the Great Wall. This is a w 2 national treasure(財富), and we admire(欽佩) w 3 is being done to keep it. But on e 4 side of the wall around Badaling. There is a growing pile of d 5 cans, cigarette(煙) packets, wastepaper and plastic. Is this the contribution that we who visit China are now making to your national monuments(紀念牌) and beauty places? I s 6 that it is. And I am ashamed(羞愧).

  Surely someone who carries a can of Coca-Cola o 7 a bag of food to a distant(遙遠的) point can carry the e 8 can or bag back. Unless China controls her v 9 by severe penalties(嚴厲的處罰). 10 more years of tourism will do great harm to the e 10 .

  David J. Lazarus

  Edinburgh, Scotland

  1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. __________

  6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. __________ 10. __________

  VII. 書面表達 (10%)

  請寫一篇關於你準備如何保護自然環境的短文,字數在80字左右, 題目自擬, 要求語法正確,語句通順滿面流暢。












  I. 1-5 ABCAC II. 1-5 BCBCA III. 1-5 DACCA

  I. 1. be famous for 2. all the year round 3. so far 4. the more, the more 5. be the pride of 6. 成為現實 7. 根據 8. 休息 9. 遲早 10. 想出

  II. 1-5 ADCDC 6-10 BCADB 11-15 CCACD 16-20 ADBCB

  III. 1. left for 2. in life, give up 3. spent, on/for/buying(paid, for) 4. spoke


  IV. 1-5 BDCDC 6-10 ADBCB V. 1-5 BBACD 6-10 CCABC

  VI. 1. enjoyed, 2. wonderful 3. what 4. either 5. drink 6. suppose 7. or 8. empty 9. visitors 10. environment

  VII. 略


  I. 聽句子, 選擇與所聽句子意思相同的答案, 聽一遍。

  1. I think he is away now.

  2. My grandma used to be a teacher.

  3. Don’t change your plan, no matter what happens.

  4. New Zealand has attracted large numbers of tourists from all over the world.

  5. You’re driving too fast. Slow down, please.

  II. 對話理解, 根據問題及對話,選擇正確答案, 聽一遍。

  1. M: I’ve come to return your pan. Thank you very much for lending it to me.

  W: Not at all. Glad to help! Oh, what’s this? There’s another small pan here, too.

  Q: What do the woman get?

  2. M: When did you start drawing the horse?

  W: At eight in the morning. I finished it at eight in the evening.

  Q: How long have you drawn the horse?

  3. M: Hi, Lora! What places have you been to in China?

  W: Oh, I’ve been to Many places, such as Xi’an, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guilin and Tibet.

  M: You’ve been to more places than I have. I’ve only been to Pingyao and Beijing.

  Q: How many places has Lora been to?

  4. M: I’m sorry I forgot to bring you the photos.

  W: Oh, that’s too bad. I wanted to show them to my classmates.

  Q: What did they do?

  5. M: May I help you?

  W: Yes, please. I want to borrow a video tape, but it’s not on that shelf.

  Q: Where may this dialogue take place?

  III. 短文理解, 根據短文內容,選擇正確答案, 聽兩遍。

  On New Year’s Eve, people in Italy throw out all the old things. So there are chairs, beds, clothes and plates in the streets. In Spain, the new year comes in more quietly. In the evening people come together to the streets. Each holds a bag of grapes. When twelve o’clock comes, people start eating the grapes.

  In Japan, people eat noodles on New Year’s Eve. This food is said to bring long life. Early the next morning, some families climb Mount Fuji. There they watch the first sunrise of the year.