查文庫>英語教案> 初中英語《I used to be afraid of the dark》優秀教案

初中英語《I used to be afraid of the dark

初中英語《I used to be afraid of the dark》優秀教案

  作為一名教學工作者,往往需要進行教案編寫工作,教案有助於順利而有效地開展教學活動。來參考自己需要的教案吧!以下是小編整理的初中英語《I used to be afraid of the dark》優秀教案,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。


  The students of Grade 9 have been learning English for more than two years, they have learned many new words, at the same time, and they are growing up. Their physical appearance and personality have changed a lot.

  This class, I will guide the students to learn to describe their changes. My teaching procedures are as follows:

  First of all, I will review some adjectives about describing characters appearance.

  Then show some of my photos about four years ago, Ask students to watch carefully then tell the differences. Ask students to use “used to” to make new sentences.

  I think this method can inspire students ‘interest.



  A picture in Section A 1a introduces key vocabulary for students to use while practicing the new language.

  This class, I will let students understand what we will talk about in this unit, and know how to use “used to” to talk about.

  What people used to be like. Through the teaching, let students understand that people sure change.


  In our class, most of students are interested in English, but many of them are really very shy.

  And they don’t want to speak English in class, so I will encourage them to speak English as much as they can in class, then I will teach them the best way of learning English.


  Analysis of the teaching material:

  1、 Review some adjectives about describing characters ‘appearance.

  2、 Teach students to use “used to” to describe people.



  Introduce a lot of words about describing people and give some examples. Then guide students to use “used to” to describe people’s appearance.


  Using “used to” correctly and exactly is the difficult point of this lesson.




  Step2: Warming up.


  設計意圖:Interest is the best teacher. This can arouse the students’ interest in my class.這一步激發學生的求知慾、探究欲,調動學生的學習熱情。

  Step3: Show the picture in Section A 1a.

  讓學生仔細觀察Mario、Tina、Amy的外貌變化,並用“used to”說句子,教師引導並舉例,如Mario used to be short.然後讓學生依次說出圖中人物過去的外貌特徵。

  設計意圖看圖理解應用語言。 This picture introduces key vocabulary for students to use. Students can understand and practice the new language easily.

  Step4:讓學生看1a中的圖片,然後用“ used to“這一結構操練句型,談談幾年前自己的外貌特徵。

  設計意圖:Let students practice target language step-by-step. Each activity focuses on the target language in an easily understand way.



  Step6: Play the recording.

  設計意圖:The activity let students practice listening skills and using the target language.


  評價內容:我在英語教學中採取評價內容多元化的方法,從Emotional attitude、language knowledge 、 language skills、language strategies等幾方面著手評價。




