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  Members: when our car slowly drives into Zhoushan toll station, it meansthat we leave Zhoushan Island and enter Zhoushan sea crossing bridge. Zhoushansea crossing bridge, also known as "Zhoushan mainland Island connectingproject", was started on September 26, 1999 and officially opened to traffic at23:58 on December 25, 20xx. The whole project took 10 years, with a totalinvestment of about 13 billion yuan and a total length of about 50 km. Buildinga cross sea bridge is the wish of our Zhoushan people for generations, and nowit has finally come true. The bridge is connected by five sea crossing bridges,namely, Cengang bridge, xiangjiaomen bridge, Taoyaomen bridge and JintangBridge, connecting four islands, namely, Lidiao Island, Fuyi Island, Cezi islandand Jintang Island.

  Now the car has passed through the battery Ridge Tunnel. The first thing wecan see is Cengang bridge, which is 793 meters long and 22 or 5 meters wide. Itstarted construction on September 26, 1999 and opened to traffic on July 28,20xx. It is the first bridge of five bridges, with a navigation grade of 300tons. Dear members, what we are seeing now is xiangjiaomen bridge, with a totallength of 951 meters, a deck width of 22 or 5 meters, two-way four lane, anavigable grade of 500 tons, and a main bridge of 80 meters + 150 meters + 80meters long-span prestressed concrete continuous box girder. Members: the bridgein front of us is Taoyaomen bridge, which is the first offshore cable-stayedbridge in Zhejiang Province, connecting Fuchi island and Fuchi island The bridgeis 888 meters long and 27, 6 meters wide. 888 meters means that we Zhoushanpeople are able to develop, develop and develop. It's very auspicious! The threesea crossing bridges we saw just now were the first phase of our Zhoushan seacrossing bridge project, which was opened to traffic on January 1, 20xx. Sincethen, the citizens of our island bid farewell to the day of ferry crossing thesea, and entered a brand new era of bridge Island connection. You can get toZhoushan City by bus at home It greatly facilitates our travel and promotes theeconomic development of our city.

  Unknowingly, we have come to Xihoumen Bridge, the most majestic of the seacrossing bridges, with a total length of 5452 meters and a total investment ofabout 2.4 billion yuan. It is the world's largest box girder suspension bridgeand the world's first split steel box girder suspension bridge. It is the mosttechnologically advanced one of our sea crossing bridges. We all know thatsummer is the time of typhoon in Zhoushan, considering this reason Su, how aboutthis bridge? It meets the requirements of wind resistance and stability, and canblock the super typhoon of grade 17. We don't have to worry about the problemthat the typhoon weather can't get out any more. The main cable length andmaterial strength of Xihoumen Bridge are the first in China. Each main cable is2880 meters long and weighs about 10614 tons. The ultimate tensile strength ofsteel wire reaches 1770 MPa. In the domestic bridge construction, the technologyof helicopter towing pilot cable across the sea is adopted for the first time.In the construction, the largest catwalk in the domestic suspension bridgeconstruction is also built. You can imagine building this bridge How difficultit is!

  Now our car has driven into Jintang Bridge, which is 26-54 kilometers longand has invested about 7.7 billion yuan. The main navigable span bridge ofJintang Bridge is 1210 meters long, the main tower is 204 meters high and themain span is 620 meters. The five span double tower double cable plane steel boxgirder cable-stayed bridge is the world's largest cable-stayed bridge in theopen sea and the largest anti-collision steel box hoisting in the constructionof cross sea bridge in China. Jintang Bridge is not navigable The large diametersteel pipe pile of Kongqiao is 90.7 meters long, which is the longest steel pipecolumn in domestic bridges. Later, 92 or 3 meters long steel pipe columns weredrilled in construction. What we are seeing now is the Jintang service area,where we can see the panoramic view of Xihoumen Bridge and the pictures of thebridge at that time.

  Just one month after the bridge was opened to traffic, there were 500000vehicles, about 17000 vehicles per day. In particular, the opening of the WorldExpo more reflects the role of our cross sea bridge, the car is about to get offthe bridge. Finally, Xiaoyan gave you a song of seven lawyers of the bridge:"one bridge flies to connect Yongzhou, five dragons lie on the sea mountain,people celebrate their Centennial dream, since then Weng Zhou has becomeShenzhou." from this sentence, we can feel that the completion and opening ofthe cross sea bridge in Zhoushan has brought vigorous development to oureconomy, and our living standard is getting better and better.


  China's largest archipelago, Zhoushan, is located in the southeast coast ofChina. The center of the coastline of the Chinese mainland is the famous YangtzeRiver, Qian Tang River and Yongjiang River, and is the only sea city known forits archipelago in China. 1390 islands, like bright pearls, are scattered in thevast sea. The city has a total area of 22200 square kilometers and a populationof nearly one million.

  Zhoushan archipelago has a long history and was called "haizhongzhou" inancient times. The unique scenery of the island gives it endless charm. Bluesky, blue sea, green island, Jinsha and white waves are the main colors ofZhoushan eco-tourism environment. With the characteristics of sea, fishing,city, island, port, navigation and commerce, marine tourism resourcesintegrating island scenery, marine culture and Buddhist culture are unique inthe urban agglomeration of the Yangtze River Delta. Zhoushan has more than 1000Buddhist cultural landscapes, mountain and sea natural landscapes and islandfishing customs landscapes, mainly distributed in 23 islands. It has twonational scenic spots of Putuo Mountain and Shengsi archipelago, two provincialscenic spots of Daishan island and Taohua Island, and Dinghai, the only islandhistorical and cultural city in China. It is one of the most abundant touristresources in East China. It attracts more than 6 million tourists at home andabroad every year, and increases by 15% year by year. It is a famous islandresort in eastern China.

  Green, ecological and healthy tourism has become a new image of Zhoushan.After the SARS tourism alert was lifted, the green, ecological, healthy and pureland tourism route proposed by Zhoushan tourism department immediately receiveda warm response from the majority of tourists. "Green Zhoushan, healthyZhoushan" has become a new brand of Zhoushan tourism. Marine culture, Buddhistculture and ecological culture constitute the new connotation of Zhoushantourism. The unique charm of Zhoushan tourism is to enjoy sea view, tasteseafood, swim sea water, play sand, worship Guanyin and pray for health.

  Rich in resources, Zhoushan archipelago has beautiful natural scenery,pleasant climate, unique mountain and sea landscape, and many places ofinterest. Zhoushan archipelago belongs to the monsoon marine climate in thesouthern margin of the north subtropical zone. The annual temperature is about16 degrees centigrade. There is no severe heat in summer, no severe cold inwinter, and the four seasons are like spring. Zhoushan is rich in tourismresources. The scattered islands, the majestic sea, the harbor with many sails,the sea reefs with strange rocks, the soft and clean beaches, the simple andquiet temples, the pleasant climate in four seasons, and the folk customs withunique island characteristics constitute a beautiful picture of island scenery.It has developed and constructed more than 1000 landscapes, including Buddhistculture, mountain and sea culture, fishing custom culture, Jinyong martial artsculture and so on. Among them, there are 285 major scenic spots, mainlydistributed in Putuo Mountain, the "sea heaven Buddha kingdom", Shengsi,Shengsi, Penglai, Daishan, Zhujiajian, the hometown of sand sculpture, TaohuaIsland, etc. The ancients said that "the victory of mountain and lake will pushthe West Lake, and the victory of mountain and sea will push Putuo.".

  When you come to Zhoushan, you can enjoy the island scenery, deeplyunderstand the marine Buddhist culture, fully experience the seaside leisurevacation, and personally explore the mysterious martial arts legend. At present,Zhoushan tourism department has meticulously created more than 50 specialtourism routes for you, such as "pilgrimage to the sea and heaven Buddha","Putuo Golden Triangle leisure and holiday tour", "Happy Fishing Tour","history, folk customs Dinghai, Daishan Tour", etc.

  Diversified products Zhoushan's tourism products have gradually developedfrom simple pilgrimage and sightseeing to diversified products with distinctivefeatures and rich connotations, so as to meet the needs of the growing tourismmarket. After more than 20 years of development and construction, Zhoushan hasnot only developed traditional Buddhist cultural tourism, but also developed airRange Rover, seaside exploration, marine sports, marine science popularizationand other tourism projects full of marine Island characteristics. Among them,the most representative tourism festivals are: China Zhoushan international sandsculpture festival, Putuo Nanhai Guanyin Festival, Zhoushan seafood foodfestival, international sea fishing festival, international navigationcompetition, etc. Zhoushan tourism has become an important part of East Chinatourism network and East Zhejiang Tourism line. As the largest seaside tourismand leisure resort base in East China, Zhoushan tourism has begun to takeshape.