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端午節的由來英語作文 篇一

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, we know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival it? You don't know! Let me tell you something! Do you remember the patriotic general Chu Qu? Let me talk about him!

Qu Yuan was abroad in the Warring States period, very learned. He was the official side, the image is our country rich and strong. The HunJun but listen to the treacherous, the exiled Qu Yuan cut level. In exile, Qu Yuan heard that the enemy was the capital of Chu, people have great indignation. Fifth in May this day, he came to the Miluo River, the embrace of a stone, which jumped into the Miluo river. To hear people vote Jiang Yuan news, very sad. Their tears rowed a boat came to salvage Qu Yuan, also throw zongzi into the river to feed the fish, fish don't hurt Qu Yuan's body of hope. This is the origin of the dragon boat festival dumplings in May.



端午節的由來英語作文 篇二

In the evening, I asked my grandfather to talk about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Erudite grandpa in a hoarse voice through a distant time and space, take me to the state of chu.

Chu, the corrupt and incompetent officials, people, people's complaints four. The decline of chu.

At that time, a great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, has a lofty political ambitions, he several times in a row to write reform asatsuna memorials submitted to the emperor. But the emperor not only did not adopt the correct idea of Qu Yuan, but also put him in custody...... In the helpless situation, Qu Yuan to death struggle, decided to jump down the river of Miluo river.

Qu Yuan's patriotic spirit has moved the people. People have arrived, rowing the raft boat along the river looking for Qu Yuan, but looking unsuccessfully for several days, helplessly into the river spread some rice, fish do not eat Qu Yuan's body of hope. But the rice is too small is easy to disperse, the fish do not eat how to do? So some people think of the package dumplings. With reed leaves whorled a pointed barrel, to glutinous rice stuffed, and then thin grass Malian wrapped around wrapped dumplings one by one, and threw it into the river, the fish can eat and would not eat Qu Yuan's body......

In order to have a memorial to Qu Yuan, people put the annual May Festival - Qu Yuan jumped into the river as the Dragon Boat Festival day.





