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1. Britain ahs the highest ____ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mile of road.

A) popularity B) density C) intensity D) prosperity

2. How is it ________ your roommate‘s request and yours are identical

A) if B) so C) what D) that

3. In my opinion, he‘s ________ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.

A) in all B) at best C) for all D) by far

4. He didn‘t have time to read the report word for word: he just ________ it.

A) skimmed B) observed C) overlooked D) glanced

5. The leader of the expedition ________ everyone to follow his example.

A) promoted B) reinforced C) sparked D) inspired

6. The ________ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly between researchers and teachers.

A) intensive B) concise C) joint D) overall

7. Their products are frequently overpriced and ________ in quality.

A) influential B) inferior C) superior D) subordinate

8. The neighborhood boys like to play basketball on that ________ lot.

A) valid B) vacant C) vain D) vague

9. These people once had fame and fortune; now ________ is left to them is utter poverty.

A) all that B) all what C) all which D) that all

10. To our ________, Geoffrey‘s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A) anxiety B) relief C) view D) judgment

答案:1-5 BDDAD 6-10 DBCAB

11. Many people like white color as it is a ________ of purity.

A) symbol B) sign C) signal D) symptom

12. This research has attracted wide ________ coverage and has featured on BBC television‘s Tomorrow’s World.

A) message B) information C) media D) data

13. I would never have ________ a court of law if I hadn‘t been so desperate.

A) sought for B) accounted for C) turned up D) resorted to

14. The energy ________ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.

A) transferred B) released C) delivered D) conveyed

15. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the ________ silk from damage.

A) sensitive B) tender C) delicate D) sensible

16. Though _____ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.

A) grown B) raised C) tended D) cultivated

17. If people feel hopeless, they don‘t bother to ________ the skills th