查文庫>申請書> 企業換照申請書範本



  Application for Modifications (filing) of Registration

  Items of Foreign-funded Enterprise


  根據《中華人民共和國企業法人登記管理條例》和《中華人民共和國公司登記管理條例》有關規定,現申請 、 、 、

  、 、 等事項變更(備案)登記,請予核准。同時承諾:所提交的.檔案、證件和有關附件真實、合法、有效,影印文字與原件一致,並對因提交虛假檔案、證件所引發的一切後果承擔相應的法律責任。

  Administration for Industry & Commerce:

  In accordance with the relevant stipulations of Regulations of the People’s Republic of China for Controlling the Registration of Enterprises As Legal Persons and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Registration of Companies, we hereby apply for modifications (filing) of such registered items as 、 、 、 、 、 . We also undertake that all the documents, certificates and related appendixes submitted by us are true, legal and valid, and that the copies are identical to the originals. We will bear all legal responsibilities for any consequence resulted from submitting false documents and certificates.

  企 業 名 稱 :

  Name of Enterprise :

  注 冊 號 :

  Registration No.


  Signature of Legal Representative:


  Official Seal of Enterprise:

  年 月 日

  Date: D/M/Y


  Printed by State Administration for Industry & Commerce

  茲委託代理機構/本企業人員 (代理)辦理本企業變更登記事宜。


  , the agency/official of the enterprise to be established is hereby authorized to handle all matters concerning the registration of the establishment of the enterprise.



  Note: the authorizers must be the legal representative.