查文庫>試題> 四級翻譯的試題參考




  1.The heavy rain outside __________(使我不能專心完成任務).

  2.In order to control the spreading of AIDS,we must __________(不惜一切代價加以預防).

  3.___________(只要你繼續努力工作),you will surely realize your dream sooner or later.

  4.Please contact our customer services department if you _____________(對我們的產品有任何疑問).

  5._______________(必須提醒人們注意防範)as the thunderstorm is coming.


  1.distracts myself from fulfilling my assignment

  “使不能專心”意即“使分心”,用distract sb.from sth./doing結構。“完成任務”可用finish assignment,也可用fulfill assignment表示,後者為四級常考片語。因為跟在介詞from後面,所以把動詞變為動名詞fulfilling或finishing。“任務”還可以表達為task。

  2.prevent this at all costs

  “預防”的表達:prevent或guard against,用在must之後,不必變換形式。“不惜一切代價”的表達是at all costs或at all expenses。

  3.As long as you keep on working hard

  條件狀語從句:as long as引導的條件狀語從句通常用一般時。keep on意為“繼續”,強調“堅持下去”的意思;“努力工作”可用work hard來表達,根據語法需要變為working hard。

  4.have any doubts/questions about our products

  if引導的條件狀語從句:從句描述一般情況,用一般現在時。“對…有疑問”的表達:have doubts/questions about。

  5. People have to be reminded of the prevention

  表示“必須”的情態動詞,一般用have to,表示主觀不願意被提醒;也可用must,表示願意被提醒。people作為全句的主語,與“提醒”之間屬被動關係,故用被動語態。“提醒”的固定表達為remind sb.of sth.。




  1.____________________(無論別人怎麼說),he held on to his beliefs.

  2.You had better not disturb Mary as she ___________________(正專心於解一道難題).

  3.The last survey shows that Chinese people tend to _________(消耗兩倍多的鹽)they actually need.

  4.At the end of the opening ceremony,________________(大家期待你作簡要的介紹).

  5.The Committee made adequate preparations for the conference ____________(以便大會能順利召開).


  1.No matter what was said//Whatever was said

  讓步狀語從句:no matter what/when/where/who/which/how結構可以引導讓步狀語結構,意思是“無論什麼,無論何時,無論何處,無論誰,無論哪一個,無論如何”,分別等同於whatever/whenever/wherever/whoever/whichever/howver,句中“無論別人怎麼說”,意即“無論別人說什麼”,用no matter what或whatever引導。


  2.is absored/involved in working on a puzzle

  “專心於”的表達是be absorbed in或be involved in,後面需接名詞性成分。work on的使用。Work on意為“從事,忙於”,根據語法需要變為working on。

  3.consume twice more salt than

  考查比較級:英語當中涉及到倍數的表達時,一般用“數詞+名詞+than”的結構表示。涉及到倍數的.表達時,用once(一倍),twice(兩倍),three times(三倍),以此類推。本題中所提示的“兩倍多”,故不能少more。“消耗”的英文表達為consume。

  4.you are expected to give/make a brief introduction

  考查慣用句型:中文句子主語,謂語,賓語分別是:我們,期望,你。但在譯文中,可以發現句子是以you開頭,也就是說“你被期待作簡要發言”。在很多情況下,當漢語句子以“我們”,“人們”,“大家”等泛指性代詞作主語時,在翻譯成英文常常可以忽略不譯,通常處理成被動結構的you are expected/asked/hoped/desired/suggested to do,較接近英語的表達習慣。

  考查固定表達:“作…介紹”的表達為give/make an introduction。

  5.so that it would go on smoothly/successfully

  結果狀語從句:待譯部分為主句的結果,用so that引導結果狀語從句。待譯部分所說動作還沒有發生,主句用一般過去式,從句應用過去將來時結構“would+動詞原形”。“召開”即“進行”,可用go on表達;“順利地”意為“成功地,平穩地”,用smoothly或successfully均可。



  1.___________(我本該將此事告訴他),but I was so focused on my experiment that I forgot.

  2.These people did nothing _______________(除了整日在街上閒逛),which causes a lot of concern.

  3.Now that you are planning to move to England,you must try to _________________(適應多變的氣候).

  4.Tom is an experienced businessman ____________(從事國際貿易)for nearly twenty years.

  5._________________(既然你對唱歌那麼有激情),I will treat you to KTV this afternoon.


  1.I should have told him about this//I ought to have informed him of this

  此處but引導的虛擬語氣屬暗含的虛擬語氣,前一部分是虛擬語氣,後一部分是陳述語氣。由於後部分是過去式的陳述句,故前半句的虛擬語氣用完成時態,表示“過去未做之事”,用“should/ought to have+過去分詞”結構。

  “將…告訴…”的表達是tell sb. about sth.或inform sb.of sth.。

  2.except/but hang around on/in the street all day long

  “除了”的表達是except或but,do nothing but/except後面用動詞原形。But用於nobody,nothing,no one,all等詞後面表示“除…以外”。“閒逛”譯作hang around;“整日”的表達是all day long。

  3.adapt to its changeable weather

  adapt to 意思是“適合,適應”。“多變的”譯作changeable。

  4.who has engaged in international trade

  考查定語從句:待譯部分修飾businessman,應由who引導定語從句。由for nearly twenty years一詞提示應用現在完成時。“從事”譯為engaged in,為四級常考詞彙;“國際貿易”的表達是international trade,也可以用foreign trade。

  5.Now that you are so passionate fo singing

  “既然”用now that或since表達,引導原因狀語從句。“對…有激情”的表達是be passionate for或have passion for。指示代詞:so用於形容詞前,such用於名詞前。



  1._____________(正如食物能給身體提供營養),reading can enrich the mind .

  2.Effective measures should be taken to _____________(降低不斷增長的失業率).

  3.__________(抱怨是沒有意義的)since nothing can be changed.

  4.After supper,I always feel like ___________(和露露在公園散步).

  5.To such an extent _____________(西安的氣溫降低)that people all stayed home to keep warm.


  1.Just as food provides nutrition for the body

  比較狀語從句:(just)as…意為“正如…”,表示同等程度的比較。“給身體提供營養”還可以譯為provides the body with nutrition.

  2.decrease the rising unemployment rate

  現在分詞修飾名詞結構:“不斷增長的”可用rising或increasing來表達。“失業率”的表達應為unemployment rate或the rate of unemployment。

  3.It's no sense(in) complaining//It's not sensible to complain

  It is no sense(in)doing“做…是沒有意義的”。“抱怨”用complain表達。

  4.taking a walk in the park with Lulu

  固定搭配:“想要做某事”的固定搭配為feel like doing sth.。“散步”的表達為take a walk,也可用go for a walk。

  5.did the temperature in Xi'an go down

  考查倒裝:當so和such及其介詞短語位於句首時,主句需要部分倒裝,把助動詞移至主語前。“降低”的表達為go down或decrease。時態一致:主從句的時態要一致,從句用過去時,故主句也用過去時。



  1.You would have been better now if ___________(你過去堅持吃藥).

  2.In______________(鑑於他違背了媽媽的意願),his father gave him a little hard work to do.

  3.The police warned citizens against keeping a large sum of cash at home ____________(以防被盜).

  4._____________(當談及代購問題),all students are eager to say something about their experience.

  5.It is common konwledge ____________(在經濟上中國僅次於美國) at present.


  1.you had kept taking/having this medicine before

  考查虛擬語氣:表示與過去事實相反的假設需用虛擬語氣,從句中的謂語動詞用“had+過去分詞”,主句中的謂語動詞用“should(第一人稱)或would(第二,三人稱)have+過去分詞”。“堅持做某事”的表達是keep doing sth。

  “吃藥”的表達是take/have medicine。

  2.view of his going against his mother's will

  “鑑於”的表達是in view of,後面跟名詞性成分。“違背”的表達是go against。“意願”的表達為will。

  3.lest it (should) be stolen//in case it (should)/will be stolen

  考查目的狀語從句:lest意思是“以防,以免”,其引導的從句通常用sb.(should)do 的形式表示虛擬,句中指“錢財被盜”,用被動語態。In case “以防”也可以引導目的狀語從句,但從句的謂語可用虛擬語氣,也可用直陳語氣。


  4.When it comes to generation gap//When talking about generation gap

  考查“當談及…”這一常考固定結構:when it comes to+sb./sth或者when talking about +sb./sth.。“代溝”的表達:generation gap。

  5.that China is next to America in terms of economy

  that引導的主語從句既可放於句首,也可放在句末,但為了保持句子平衡,常用it作形式主語,把真正的主語從句放在句後。“僅次於”的表達為be next/second to。“在…上”可表達為in terms of或者直接用介詞in。



  1.By the end of this year ___________(這本書將出版).

  2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在現代社會發揮重要作用).

  3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(終於從雲層後面露出來了).

  4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房間亂扔東西).

  5.______(凡是對油畫感興趣的人)may get a free ticket to the art show.


  1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out

  考查時態和被動語態:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判斷要用將來完成時,而book與publish之間是被動關係,所以用將來完成時的被動語態will have been published。如果用come out 表達的話不必用被動式。

  “出版”的表達常用publish或come out。

  2.play an important/essential role in modern society

  “發揮作用”的表達為play a role in。“重要的”表達可以用important或essential;“現代社會”的表達為modern society。

  3.emerged from behind the clouds at last

  為了準確表達方位,from後面可接另外一個介詞賓語,behind the clouds整體表示一個位置;雲層後面。本句敘述的是過去的事情,所以用過去式。“露出來”的表達為emerge或come out。

  4.答案:leaving things about/everywhere in his room

  “養成某習慣”的固定搭配為get into the habit of doing sth。“亂扔東西”的表達為leave things about/everywhere。

  5.Whoever is interested in oil painting

  考查主語從句:Whoever意思是“無論是誰”,它在引導的主語從句中可作主語或賓語。作主語時,謂語動詞一般用單數。“對…感興趣”的表達是be interested in或have/take an interest in。

  “油畫”的表達是oil painting。